This is a complete pipeline for analysing scRNA-seq datasets from 10x Genomics.
The workflow uses Seurat (v3.0.2) and performs all necessary steps for an basic exploratory analysis of your data. These include:
- normalization and scaling of gene-expression matrix,
- filtering of low quality cells and outliers,
- dimensionality reduction (PCA, TSNE, and UMAP),
- clustering (using different resolutions),
- and differential expression analysis.
Seurat offers a wide variety of functions and tutorials that allow you to perform exhaustive exploration of your scRNA-seq dataset. For this reason, the present pipeline is essentially following the same workflow provided by Satija lab (Seurat - Getting Started)
The advantage of this pipeline is that it allows for automatised exploratory analysis of your data, using a one-liner on the CLI.
Rscript script.R -i path/to/input -o path/to/output
In order to use this pipeline you will need to download the repo to your local and set your working directory.
- Click on Clone or Download
- Download ZIP
- Change working directory
cd /path/to/repo
The pipeline is composed of two executable R scripts:
- explore.R Performs all the exploratory analysis (from loading the gene-expression matrix to UMAP and clustering).
- cluster.R Performs differential expression analysis based on the selected resolution used for clustering.
Run Rscript explore.R -h
to see arguments to be passed with the explore.R script:
Usage: explore.R [options]
-i INPUT, --input=INPUT
Set the path to the directory containing
matrix.mtx, genes.tsv, and barcodes.tsv files.
Make sure files are unzipped
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
Specify output directory for storing plots and tables
-g GENES, --genes=GENES
(Optional) Specify path to a .csv file listing genes
(Optional) If TRUE, calculates cell cycle score using
S- and G2M-related genes
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
Specify -o path/to/out
to create an out
directory where all plots will be saved.
When -g genes.csv
is added, the script returns a .pdf file displaying gene expression levels on a UMAP embedding. Gene lists should be saved in the repo directory, as a one-column .csv file. E.g.:
Run Rscript cluster.R -h
to see arguments to be passed with the cluster.R script:
Usage: cluster.R [options]
-i INPUT, --input=INPUT
Set the path to the R objects previously saved.
Set the resolution for the clustering algorithm (i.e., from 0.1 to 1
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
(Optional) Specify output directory for storing plots and tables.
-g GENES, --genes=GENES
(Optional) Specify path to a .csv file listing genes
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
Use -o
to save output files from cluster.R in a new directory. If not specified, files will be saved in the out
directory created while running explore.R.
- Install the latest R (I have used R v3.6.0)
- Packages needed for running the pipeline will automatically be installed, if not already present. If Seurat is already installed, make sure to upgrate to version >= 3.0.0.
- Input option requires the gene-expression files from CellRanger to be unzipped (e.g.,
gunzip path/to/files/*.gz
and named as: barcodes.tsv, genes.tsv, matrix.mtx.
Output files for explore.R include:
- Exploratory plots:
- PrePostFilterVln.pdf
- HVG.pdf
- tSNEPlot.pdf
- UMAPPlot.pdf
- CellCycleScore.pdf
- Exploratory tables:
- PCACellEmbeddings.csv
- PCAFeatureLoadings.csv
- tSNECellEmbeddings.csv
- UMAPCellEmbeddings.csv
- Seurat objects:
- prefilter.rds
- filtered.rds
- scaled.rds
- tsne.rds
- (Optional) Feature plots (FeaturePlot.pdf).
Output files for cluster.R include:
- (Optional) Feature plots (FeaturePlot.pdf)
- List of cluster markers (ClusterMarkers.csv)
- Top 20 cluster markers (Top20ClusterMarkers.csv)
- Heatmap with the top 20 features per cluster (Top20MarkerHM.pdf)
Use > progress.log 2>&1
to build a progress report. E.g.,
Rscript cluster.R -i path/to/input -g genes.csv > progress.log 2>&1