Releases: massalabs/massa-proto
Releases · massalabs/massa-proto
New features in this release
🔍 Introduce New Search Methods
We've added new efficient search methods for blocks, endorsements, and operations.
📁 Fine-Grained Filters for gRPC Streams
Our gRPC streams are now more customizable, allowing users to tailor their data streams to specific requirements.
Breaking changes
- Error: Previously present message "NewBlocksHeadersResponse" was deleted from file.
- Error: Field "2" with name "addresses" on message "NewOperationsFilter" changed option "json_name" from "operationTypes" to "addresses".
- Error: Field "2" on message "NewOperationsFilter" moved from outside to inside a oneof.
- Error: Field "2" on message "NewOperationsFilter" changed type from "massa.model.v1.OpTypes" to "massa.model.v1.Addresses".
- Error: Field "2" on message "NewOperationsFilter" changed name from "operation_types" to "addresses".
- Error: Field "1" on message "SendBlocksRequest" changed type from "message" to "bytes".
- Error: Field "1" on message "SendEndorsementsRequest" changed type from "message" to "bytes".
- Error: Field "1" on message "SendOperationsRequest" changed type from "message" to "bytes".
- Error: Field "2" with name "addresses" on message "SearchOperationsFilter" changed option "json_name" from "operationTypes" to "addresses".
- Error: Field "2" on message "SearchOperationsFilter" changed type from "massa.model.v1.OpTypes" to "massa.model.v1.Addresses".
- Error: Field "2" on message "SearchOperationsFilter" changed name from "operation_types" to "addresses".
- Error: Previously present message "SecureShare" was deleted from file.
- Error: Field "6" with name "max_gas" on message "AsyncMessage" changed option "json_name" from "usedGas" to "maxGas".
- Error: Field "6" on message "AsyncMessage" changed name from "used_gas" to "max_gas".
- Error: Field "1" on message "SendEndorsementsResponse" changed name from "endorsements_ids" to "endorsement_ids".
- Error: Field "1" with name "operation_ids" on message "SendOperationsResponse" changed option "json_name" from "operationsIds" to "operationIds".
- Error: Field "1" on message "SendOperationsResponse" changed name from "operations_ids" to "operation_ids".
- Error: Field "1" with name "endorsement_ids" on message "EndorsementIds" changed option "json_name" from "endorsementsIds" to "endorsementIds".
- Error: Field "1" on message "EndorsementIds" changed name from "endorsements_ids" to "endorsement_ids".
- Error: Field "1" with name "target_address" on message "FunctionCall" changed option "json_name" from "targetAddr" to "targetAddress".
- Error: Field "1" on message "FunctionCall" changed name from "target_addr" to "target_address".
- Error: Field "2" with name "target_function" on message "FunctionCall" changed option "json_name" from "targetFunc" to "targetFunction".
- Error: Field "2" on message "FunctionCall" changed name from "target_func" to "target_function".
- Error: Field "1" with name "target_address" on message "CallSC" changed option "json_name" from "targetAddr" to "targetAddress".
- Error: Field "1" on message "CallSC" changed name from "target_addr" to "target_address".
- Error: Field "2" with name "target_function" on message "CallSC" changed option "json_name" from "targetFunc" to "targetFunction".
- Error: Field "2" on message "CallSC" changed name from "target_func" to "target_function".
- Error: Field "3" with name "parameter" on message "CallSC" changed option "json_name" from "param" to "parameter".
- Error: Field "3" on message "CallSC" changed name from "param" to "parameter".
- Error: Field "6" on message "AsyncMessageUpdate" changed name from "used_gas" to "max_gas".
- Error: Field "1" with name "max_gas" on message "ReadOnlyExecutionCall" changed option "json_name" from "usedGas" to "maxGas".
- Error: Field "1" on message "ReadOnlyExecutionCall" changed name from "used_gas" to "max_gas".
- Error: Field "1" with name "status" on message "BlockWrapper" changed option "json_name" from "blockId" to "status".
- Error: Field "1" on message "BlockWrapper" changed type from "string" to "enum".
- Error: Field "1" on message "BlockWrapper" changed name from "block_id" to "status".
- Error: Previously present field "5" with name "endorsement" on message "EndorsementWrapper" was deleted.
- Error: Field "1" with name "in_pool" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed option "json_name" from "id" to "inPool".
- Error: Field "1" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed type from "string" to "bool".
- Error: Field "1" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed name from "id" to "in_pool".
- Error: Field "2" with name "in_blocks" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed option "json_name" from "inPool" to "inBlocks".
- Error: Field "2" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed label from "optional" to "repeated".
- Error: Field "2" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed type from "bool" to "string".
- Error: Field "2" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed name from "in_pool" to "in_blocks".
- Error: Field "3" with name "is_final" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed option "json_name" from "inBlocks" to "isFinal".
- Error: Field "3" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed label from "repeated" to "optional".
- Error: Field "3" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed type from "string" to "bool".
- Error: Field "3" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed name from "in_blocks" to "is_final".
- Error: Field "4" with name "endorsement" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed option "json_name" from "isFinal" to "endorsement".
- Error: Field "4" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed type from "bool" to "message".
- Error: Field "4" on message "EndorsementWrapper" changed name from "is_final" to "endorsement".
- Error: Previously present field "5" with name "endorsement_id" on message "EndorsementInfo" was deleted.
- Error: Field "1" with name "endorsement_id" on message "EndorsementInfo" changed option "json_name" from "id" to "endorsementId".
- Error: Field "1" on message "EndorsementInfo" changed name from "id" to "endorsement_id".
- Error: Previously present field "4" with name "operation" on message "OperationWrapper" was deleted.
- Error: Field "1" with name "block_ids" on message "OperationWrapper" changed option "json_name" from "id" to "blockIds".
- Error: Field "1" on message "OperationWrapper" changed label from "optional" to "repeated".
- Error: Field "1" on message "OperationWrapper" changed name from "id" to "block_ids".
- Error: Field "2" with name "thread" on message "OperationWrapper" changed option "json_name" from "blockIds" to "thread".
- Error: Field "2" on message "OperationWrapper" changed label from "repeated" to "optional".
- Error: Field "2" on message "OperationWrapper" changed type from "string" to "uint32".
- Error: Field "2" on message "OperationWrapper" changed name from "block_ids" to "thread".
- Error: Field "3" with name "operation" on message "OperationWrapper" changed option "json_name" from "thread" to "operation".
- Error: Field "3" on message "OperationWrapper" changed type from "uint32" to "message".
- Error: Field "3" on message "OperationWrapper" changed name from "thread" to "operation".
- Error: Field "6" on message "AsyncMessage" changed name from "max_gas" to "used_gas".
- Error: Field "6" with name "used_gas" on message "AsyncMessageUpdate" changed option "json_name" from "maxGas" to "usedGas".
- Error: Field "6" on message "AsyncMessageUpdate" changed name from "max_gas" to "used_gas".
- Error: Field "1" with name "used_gas" on message "ReadOnlyExecutionCall" changed option "json_name" from "maxGas" to "usedGas".
- Error: Field "1" on message "ReadOnlyExecutionCall" changed name from "max_gas" to "used_gas".
- Error: Field "2" with name "used_gas" on message "ReadOnlyExecutionOutput" changed option "json_name" from "maxGas" to "usedGas".
- Error: Field "2" on message "ReadOnlyExecutionOutput" changed name from "max_gas" to "used_gas".
- Error: buf found 8 breaking changes.- Error: Previously present message "GetBlocksFilter" was deleted from file.
- Error: Previously present message "GetOperationsFilter" was deleted from file.
- Error: Field "1" with name "block_ids" on message "GetBlocksRequest" changed option "json_name" from "filters" to "blockIds".
- Error: Field "1" on message "GetBlocksRequest" changed type from "message" to "string".
- Error: Field "1" on message "GetBlocksRequest" changed name from "filters" to "block_ids".
- Error: Field "1" with name "operation_ids" on message "GetOperationsRequest" changed option "json_name" from "filters" to "operationIds".
- Error: Field "1" on message "GetOperationsRequest" changed type from "message" to "string".
- Error: Field "1" on message "GetOperationsRequest" changed name from "filters" to "operation_ids".
- Error: Field "1" on message "SendEndorsementsResponse" changed type from "massa.model.v1.EndorsementsIds" to "massa.model.v1.EndorsementIds".
- Error: Previously present message "EndorsementsIds" was deleted from file.
What's Changed
- API refactoring + missing features by @aoudiamoncef in #16
- Added wrappers.proto by @jwmdev in #39
- Upgrade to buf 1.25.1 by @aoudiamoncef in #40
- Add Get/Search blocks/endorsements/operations by @aoudiamoncef in #41
- used_gas instead of max_gas by @aoudiamoncef in #42
- Add proto-as bindings to auto_build by @Leo-Besancon in #44
- Enhance Info + wrapper messages by @aoudiamoncef in #46
- fix max_gas by @aoudiamoncef in #47
- Fix EndorsementIds message by @aoudiamoncef in http...
What's Changed
- Add Massa API protos by @aoudiamoncef in #3
- Add versioning proto by @aoudiamoncef in #6
- Enhance MIP by @aoudiamoncef in #8
- Add multi repos dispatch by @aoudiamoncef in #7
- Remove future repos by @aoudiamoncef in #9
- Sync execution proto by @aoudiamoncef in #11
- Use oneof for Operation type by @aoudiamoncef in #12
- Share types among API and ABI by @bilboquet in #13
- Add serialized_size to secureshare by @aoudiamoncef in #15
- Add more shared types by @bilboquet in #14
- Improve abi types in wasmv1 by @bilboquet in #27
- API refactoring + missing features by @aoudiamoncef in #16
- Added wrappers.proto by @jwmdev in #39
- Upgrade to buf 1.25.1 by @aoudiamoncef in #40
New Contributors
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Add Massa API protos by @aoudiamoncef in #3
- Add versioning proto by @aoudiamoncef in #6
- Enhance MIP by @aoudiamoncef in #8
- Add multi repos dispatch by @aoudiamoncef in #7
- Remove future repos by @aoudiamoncef in #9
- Sync execution proto by @aoudiamoncef in #11
- Use oneof for Operation type by @aoudiamoncef in #12
- Share types among API and ABI by @bilboquet in #13
- Add serialized_size to secureshare by @aoudiamoncef in #15
- Add more shared types by @bilboquet in #14
- Improve abi types in wasmv1 by @bilboquet in #27
Full Changelog: