Reports updates in Steam user activity.
🦀 written in Rust
Subterfuge was born from the special characteristics of Steam's "invisible" online presence.
This mode allows you to play games online while appearing offline to others on Steam. However, this does not prevent your playtime history from being updated while you play games in secret.
Subterfuge automates the operation of evaluating Steam activity despite online status.
Subterfuge leverages the Steam Web API to report live changes in user playtime history. User playtime is updated:
- Every 30 minutes of a game session, and
- On terminating a game session.
Users are defined by Steam ID in a configuration file. There are a few ways to find a user's SteamID:
- Steam Support — "How can I find my SteamID?"
- Third party sites
- steamidfinder (I like this one)
To manually build the project, you must first install Rust.
Once you have Rust installed, run the following commands:
git clone
cd subterfuge
cargo run # runs unoptimized build
cargo run -- <args> # unoptimized build with optional subterfuge arguments
If you are on NixOS, run the following in order to download subterfuge's dependencies:
cd subterfuge
nix develop # build a new shell with subterfuge's dependencies
# you can now build and run like usual
cargo run
If you want to add subterfuge to your PATH, I recommend building it in release mode for better optimization.
cd subterfuge
# build release mode
cargo build --release
# add subterfuge to your PATH
ln -rs ./target/release/subterfuge <dir-in-PATH>/subterfuge
# subterfuge is now available as a command
For information on subterfuge's optional arguments and flags, run:
subterfuge --help
Subterfuge is configured with a YAML file located at:
(default), or- The path specified by
--config-file <PATH>
, if supplied (optional).
Subterfuge expects the following structure inside the configuration file:
users: # key under which all users are declared
first_user: # arbitrary label, can be whatever you want!
id: 76561198_________ # steam ID
alias: "The First User" # optional alias that overrides user's profile name
id: 76561198_________
# ...