As in, a lot of SNO(+) coming your way at alarming speed.
The SNO+ network dispatch client library.
This is the main version of avalanche, which listens for dispatched records using libratzdab
and is capable of listening to a CouchDB changes feed.
Other versions, maintained on branches in this repository, include:
- zmq: Client and server libraries for sending ROOT objects around with ZeroMQ PUB/SUB sockets
- zmq-couchdb:
features, plus can listen to a CouchDB changes feed
Generate doxygen documentation by running
cd src && doxygen Doxyfile
HTML output is located at doc/html/index.html
To build the default, RAT-enabled libavalanche
, you will need a few things in your environment:
$RATZDAB_ROOT Path to ratzdab (rat-tools/ratzdab)
$ROOTSYS Path to ROOT installation
$RATROOT Path to RAT installation
With these set, just run
This will create a shared library
which you may link into your application, as well as the ROOT library
If you wish to disable the RAT features (namely the built-in RAT-ification of CouchDB changes), ignore $RATROOT
and run make norat
. This produces
Avalanche is open source software; code is available on github.
Report any issues at
avalanche::client client;
c.addDB("http://localhost:5984", "mydb", doc_object_map);
This will connect to a ZDAB dispatcher running on localhost and to the changes feed of a CouchDB database at http://localhost:5984/mydb
The avalanche client always returns a TObject
, so when connecting to a database you must give it a functor that will convert CouchDB documents. This is the doc_object_map
in the above example.
The functor looks like this:
class myMap : public avalanche::docObjectMap {
TObject* operator()(const Json::Value& v) {
// ... convert and return a TObject ...
Then, to use this to decode a changes feed:
myMap map;
client.addDB("http://localhost:5984", "mydb", map);
For SNO+ users, the mapping function is provided. Include avalanche_rat.hpp
and use:
avalanche::ratDocObjectMap map;
client.addDB("http://localhost:5984", "mydb", map);
void* avalanche::client::recv(bool blocking=false)
TObject* o = client->recv();
if (o->IsA()->Class() == TH1F::Class()) {
TH1F* h = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(o);
std::cout << "Mean: " << h->GetMean() << std::endl;
By default, recv
is non-blocking; blocking=true
will cause it to wait until data is available before returning.
always returns a TObject*
, which must be cast appropriately, likely using TObject::IsA()