CodeToExit is a game made during the "24h du code" ("24 hours of coding") 2017 with a small team of 4 persons, and continued (not finished, it will never be haha) by me like 2 or 3 weeks later.
You play as a coder, who need to solve easy programming problems to get out.
Steps to install the game server only on Unix systems (so use VirtualBox to emulate one, or use another machine on a network you are allowed to access):
git clone
cd codeToExit
Maybe I forget some package cause I don’t use the exact same distribution as you. Try to figure out which one, and maybe email me these :)
By default, set the usernames to root, and the passwords to abcde, change it you want, but remember to report the change to: /var/www/html/gameServer/paramBDD.php
And probably get that one which begin with 192.168., you’ll have to put it in the change IP panel in the game.
By Default, the server run without sandbox protection, that mean don’t use it for real users, cause they could corrupt your filesystem.
You should install Mbox and set the mbox variable in /var/www/html/gameServer/Execution/createExecution.php to true, and probably take a look at the java execution, so far I remember mbox crashed with it.