What use of Grafana, if you are not connecting it to any data sources? In this task, we will connect your deployment to CloudWatch using IAM role, so you could visualise metrics from your AWS account in Grafana.
Before completing any task in the module, make sure that you followed all the steps described in the Environment Setup topic, in particular:
Make sure you have an AWS account.
Install AWS CLI.
Install PowerShell Core.
Install Terraform.
Log in to AWS CLI on your computer by running the command:
aws configure
In this task you will deploy a new EC2 instance with Grafana, and connect Grafana to your AWS account using IAM role.
To complete this task:
- To make sure that you are not running out of free limits in your AWS account, make sure to clean-up resources, you deployed in the previous task. For that, navigate to the folder with task files on your computer, and run command:
terraform destroy
- fill out tfvars file with the outputs from the previous modules and your own configuration variables. You should use those variables as parameters for the resources in this task. This task requires only two variables -subnet_id
, you can get if as terraform module output in the previous task. -
— add resources, required for this task:-
use resource aws_iam_policy to create a policy with permissions, necessary for Grafana to read metrics and logs from CloudWatch. You can find json definition of such policy in file
in this repository. -
use resource aws_iam_role to create IAM role for your Grafana instance. You can find assume role policy definition in file
in this repository. -
use resource aws_iam_role_policy_attachment to attach policy you created to the role you created.
use resource aws_iam_instance_profile to create an instance profile. Instance profile object is not visible when you are doing same operations in AWS Console: it is created for you automatically there, but you need to create it manually when assigning role to EC2 instance with terraform or AWS cli.
update existing resource
- add to it instance profile to assign IAM role to the instance.
Run the following commands to generate a Terraform execution plan in JSON format:
terraform init terraform plan -out=tfplan terraform show -json tfplan > tfplan.json
Run an automated test to check yourself:
pwsh ./tests/test-tf-plan.ps1
If any test fails - please check your task code and repeat step 4 to generage a new tfplan.json file.
Deploy infrastructure using the following command:
terraform apply
Make sure to collect module outputs - we will use those values in the next tasks.
Wait for 5 minutes after the deployment, and try to open that grafana URL from the terraform module output. When loging in for the first time, you will be prompted to change the admin password. Save the new password somewhere - you will need it for the next task.
In your Grafana deployment, add a new data source with type 'CloudWatch'. The only data source parameter you need to set is the default region - use the one you hace your instance deployed to. Save changes, test connection, and be impressed 😎 - your Grafana instance connected to your AWS account without you specifying any credentials at all, yet in a very secure manner.
In your CloudWatch datasource page, switch to tab "Dashboards", import "Amazon EC2" dashboard, and click on it - you should see dashboard populated with monitoring data. Make a screenshot of the dashboard, and attach it to the repo.
Commit file
and the screenshot of the EC2 dashboaed, and submit your solution for review.