9.4.0 (2024-05-27)
about: update knowledge section UI (bd75824 )
about: update knowledge section UI (257e81c )
home/grid: add github link (ed94f80 )
home/grid: create "latest post" card (2cb806a )
home/grid: create github stats (6911b6d )
home/grid: create initial stacks card (b20cc06 )
home/grid: create letterboxed link card (d83f670 )
home/grid: create links card (04474b0 )
home/grid: update links card (f5ee52a )
home: add grid links and statistics (c9a5d81 )
home: create about-me section (abe2895 )
home: create initial grid (19f4a31 )
home: dark mode on latest-post card (f8baef8 )
home: update "latest-post" card UI in home grid (909caa9 )
icon: add Vite and Markdown icons (886752d )
icons: add new icons (ee3510c )
icons: update some icons (2facd1d )
lib: create getAlbumCover
function for get music cover from Spotify database (455a49d )
projects: use local icons instead of react-icons (6398ad6 )
tailwindcss: create background-fade animation (04c4d23 )
ui: update blog post ui (1ac69e1 )
Bug Fixes
about/statistics: show album cover on top track card (94266ba )
deps: update dependency @headlessui/react to v1.7.19 (fe21dc1 )
deps: update dependency @phosphor-icons/react to v2.1.5 (2fc08d2 )
deps: update dependency react-icons to v5.2.1 (8fd5835 )
deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.220 (e43090f )
deps: update dependency react-parallax-tilt to v1.7.226 (cf45250 )
deps: update dependency recharts to v2.12.7 (2a7b4ab )
deps: update dependency rehype-pretty-code to v0.13.2 (dba6819 )
deps: update dependency sharp to v0.33.4 (376e763 )
deps: update dependency shiki to v1.2.4 (4e3603c )
deps: update dependency shiki to v1.5.1 (1f13320 )
deps: update dependency shiki to v1.6.0 (e0a3308 )
home: fit text of spotify card on grid (2a91848 )
images: use old image hostname pattern on next config (cb524b0 )
post: specify custom colors for dark mode on tables (804ef62 )
svg: replace all "stop-color" to "stopColor" (f618f72 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.