It would appear that I'm looking to use a bunch of plugins for Vim in order to make it usable for Rails development. I've already lost track of all the bits I've downloaded, where they're from and how I keep them up to date. So how about some git loving? The idea here is to have the necessary plugins as git submodules that I can update as necessary. But it's also to keep everything separated so I can individually update plugins as required.
There are two parts to this repository:
The set of plugins grabbed from various Git repositories and zip files around the Interwebs.
To use the plugins, shift the entire project across to ~/.vim
or symlink
to where you checked out this repository. For example:
$ cd ~/src
$ git clone git:// mathie-vim
$ cd mathie-vim
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ cd
$ rm -rf .vim
$ ln -s ~/src/mathie-vim .vim
Bingo. You'll have this thing checked out somewhere sensible, but still have it in the right place for Vim to pick it up.
To pick up the vimrc
file too, do something along the lines of:
$ cd
$ ln -snf .vim/vimrc .vimrc
And you'll have the vimrc file symlinked into the right place. Note that both of these operations are destructive and WILL REMOVE ALL YOUR EXISTING VIM CONFIGURATION. But you noticed that already, right? ;-)
If you're looking to update all the plugins to the latest version, you'll want to do something along the lines of:
$ cd ~/.vim
$ rake update
That will pull down the latest versions of all the git repositories, and redo the symlinks so all the latest files are linked up.
Frankly, none of the stuff in here is mine -- it's all publicly available plugins written by other Vim developers and users. I've just pulled it together and added a bit of glue. What belongs to others belongs to others and its up to them to license it and up to you to obey the license. The Rakefile that glues 'em together is under the public domain. Enjoy.