This workshop provides hands-on experience using continuous integration (CI) with MATLAB and GitHub Actions.
The workshop leverages the MathWorks CI configuration examples repository, which makes it really easy to get started with a variety of CI platforms.
To get started with the workshop, open up the workshop guide (WorkshopGuide.pdf) and follow the step-by-step instructions.
The workshop will guide you through everything you need:
- Pre-requisites for the workshop
- Step-by-step workshop instructions
- Workshop homework to take your skills even further
A brief introduction to CI and the workshop is included in the Continuous Integration with MATLAB and GitHub Actions Workshop Slides.pdf file.
The hands-on portion of the workshop is broken up into two parts:
- The workshop: WorkshopGuide.pdf (or WorkshopGuide.mlx)
- The workshop homework: WorkshopHomework.pdf (or WorkshopHomework.mlx)
After completing the workshop, you should feel confident using CI with MATLAB and GitHub Actions.
The workshop will focus on the following major tasks:
- Forking the MathWorks CI configuration examples repository to your GitHub account
- Enabling and running GitHub Actions in your repository
- Cloning your repository to MATLAB Online (or desktop MATLAB)
- Updating your repository badge code
- Introducing a bug to your code
- Pushing your changes to GitHub (which will automatically run all your tests via GitHub Actions)
- Using GitHub Actions to identify the bug you introduced to your code
The workshop homework will take things a step further, and focus on the following major tasks:
- Adding two pre-made files to your repository
- Pushing your changes to GitHub
- Using GitHub Actions to identify a bug in the pre-made files
- Fixing the bug in MATLAB
- Runing tests in MATLB to verify your bug fix
- Pushing your changes to GitHub
- Verifying your bug fix in GitHub Actions, and seeing a passing build badge
While the workshop focuses primarily on GitHub Actions, you should be able to easily replicate the workshop using other CI platforms (such as Azure® DevOps, CircleCI®, and Travis CI™).
To use the workshop with other CI platforms, you will need to perform the following steps
- Create an account at the relevant CI platform
- Create a new CI project on the platform
- Point the project at your GitHub repository
If you have any questions or suggestions related to continuous integration with MATLAB, please contact MathWorks at [email protected].
Copyright 2022 The MathWorks, Inc.