An introduction to the basics of peephole optimization using Java Bytecode and JOOS.
: Source code for the A+ JOOS compiler (excluding the A+ patterns). It is thus more complete than the A- compiler distributed previously. For example, it supports for loops, increment expressions, and proper computation of stack heightpatterns.h
: Source file containing all your patterns for this assignment. We have included a few sample patterns to get you started, but you should add many more!
: The.joos
files that define the external signatures. They are included by the scriptsJOOSlib/
files that serve as interfaces to Java functionalityjasmin.jar
: A copy of jasmin, used by
: A copy of the JOOS
: Script that calls the joos compiler inJOOSA-src/
directory. It produces one.j
file for each
: Script that calls the joos compiler to generate the.j
files and then calls jasmin to generate the.class
files. You should be able to run those.class
files with any Java system
: There are 6 benchmarks in this directory that you can use for testing your optimizations. Each benchmark contains a Makefile that you can use to compile. Optimizations are appled when invokingmake opt
. Note that you must set the $PEEPDIR environment variable to directly invoke the
: Script that compiles all benchmarks with/without optimization and reports the bytecode size in both cases. This will likely be the sole command you run to compile and test