The documentation use RST format.
All translations should be done on Transifex web interface. No properties files should be committed to this repository.
If you add some new section or update the text on an existing section, you have to update the transifex fields to make sure this change is spread to all languages. To achieve this, execute:
make update_translations
To build the documentation you need to have make installed in your system:
sudo apt-get install make
Sphinx is required to build documentation.See You can install it with pip:
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install sphinx
The theme is based on sphinx_rtd_theme and the sphinx_bootstrap_theme. You can install the style with pip too:
sudo pip install sphinx-bootstrap-theme
sudo pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
The internationalization is build using sphinx-intl:
sudo pip install sphinx-intl
To download the translations from Transifex, you will need the transifex command line client: The Transifex Client is written in Python, so it runs on most systems. The easiest way to install it is with pip:
sudo pip install transifex-client
If you don't want to use the transifex-client, either you will have to manually download the translated files or you will only be able to build the English version of the documentation.
And then you need to configure your transifex user: ~/.transifexrc stores your credentials. This config file is unique per user, and it's stored in your home directory.
username = your_username/api
token =
password = p@ssw0rd/api_token
hostname =
To build the documentation, run:
mvn clean install
This will build all documentation in English only.
To build all documentation in several languages (right now: es,fr,ge,it,ko,nl,cz,ca,fi,is), based on transifex translations:
mvn clean install -Pall
If you want to get the latest translations for your build, run:
mvn clean install -Platest,all
If you want to add a new language to the build, you will have to edit the file and add the languages you want to build the documentation for.
If you want it to be publicly available on webpage, make sure you make a PR with the change and ask for advice on the project.