♟️Developed chess game from scratch implementing an autonomous player using specific algorithms, such as MiniMax with Alpha‑beta pruning
💻 Three autonomous players ➡️ Random / MiniMax Base / MiniMax Advanced
📊 A python script has also been integrated to show bot performance data against each other.
☁️ Decision algorithms
🏎️ Fast prototyping
🧑💻 C++ / Unreal Engine 5.2 / Python
- When it is your turn, click on the piece you want to move. After that, possible moves of that piece are graphically shown
- To confirm a move click on the tile you want to move on or the opponent's piece you want to capture
- History of the moves done in the game is shown on the right part of the screen (in proper buttons)
- To view previous moves, you can just click on the button of the move you want to view. The board configuration will be loaded as it was at that move.
- REWIND: ONLY if you click on an opponent turn, you can active the rewind function by clicking one of your pieces. Then you can resume the game from this position