Wheele Navigation ROS robot Place this folder in your catkin_ws/src directory. All wheele packages will be subdirectories of this wheele folder (repository). See https://answers.ros.org/question/257855/git-strategy-for-catkin-and-package-folders/
Subscribes to:
(sends base_link laser tf)
(sets odom_heading initially, sends map odom tf)
(updates odom_heading)
Reads CAN data using python CAN library, encoders, gyro (publishes odom)
TODO: subscribe to /received_msgs
from socketcan_bridge
?? TODO: remove topics /wheele_cmd_man
, /auto_raw
, /raw_cmd_py
See avoid_obstacles.launch
Subscribes to /odom
for scan in odom costmap
Subscribes to /scan
, see scanCallback, checks for cone obstacle, publishes /costmap
(in odom frame)
check_for_cone_obstacle() publishes /obs_cone_pose
if cost cell is near estimated cone pose
check_for_cone_obstacle() clears the cone obstacle cells from the costmap
Subscribes to /wp_cone_pose
, cone pose estimate published by waypoints_manager.py
Currently, waypoints_manager.py passes /raw_cone_pose
from camera straight thru
main loop runs update_plan() but this does nothing unless potential fields is used
Only publishes /cmd_vel
, /pfObs
if potential fields is used
goalCallback only relates to potential fields
See avoid_obstacles.launch
Subscribes to /wp_goal
(in odom frame, from waypoints_manager.py)
Subscribes to /odom
so it knows where bot is in costmap
Subscribes to /costmap
, which calls get_path(), publishes /path
get_path() can return false and not publish /path
for multiple reasons:
No solution found, goal is in obstacle cell
A cleaner and improved implementation of waypoints_manager.py and wheele_local_planner.py
See below. Note topic /found_cone is now obsolete.
Publishes /wp_goal
initially based on entered lat lon coordinates
Subscribes to rviz 2d nav goal /move_base_simple/goal
, publishes it on /wp_goal
Subscribes to /raw_cone_pose
from camera, publishes it on /wp_cone_pose
which is used by avoid_obs to send back /obs_cone_pose
Subscribes to /obs_cone_pose
publishes it on /wp_goal
, publishes /found_cone
will allow wheele to drive thru obstacles (it thinks they are the cone)
TODO: rename wp_pub publisher to wp_goal to help us follow the data flow
Subscribes to /path
, publishes /cmd_vel
Subscribes to /found_cone
Subscribes to /scan
, reverses when close to obstacles in front IF NOT /found_cone
See execute_plan() for debugging when close cone stalking may override navigation logic
Subscribes to /camera/image_raw
Publishes images /cone_img
, /hsv_filt
view with rqt_image_view
Publishes pose /raw_cone_pose
read by waypoints_manager.py
See camera_test.launch in ros_vehicle_model/launch for camera setup.
Publishes /imu
, /mag_imu
, /magXYZ
gps_transform.py in https://github.com/coderkarl/ros_misc/blob/master/gps_modular/scripts/gps_transform.py
Subscribes to /fix
publishes /odom_gps
, sends map base_link_gps tf
publishes gps_pose
, (x,y) in meters in map frame w.r.t. initial lat, lon readings
TODO: verify the tf is between map andn base_link_gps
Put gps_transform.py in a wheele package
nmea_serial_driver publishes gps data on topic /fix
Obsolete nodes: VehicleModel, MicroMaestro
scripts/ nodes: wheele_local_planner.py
src/ nodes: ros2can
Subcribes to /cmd_vel
(v.x m/s, w.z rad/sec), sends it over CAN id 0x301
The cmd CAN output will be zero if topic cmd_vel is not received within param timeout_sec
vel_mm_HB LB yaw_rate_decideg_HB LB 80 00 80 00 (in hexadecimal here, e.g. candump can0)
Unit Test shows CAN data in decimal format using ROS:
Note in ros topic /sent_messages
-0.1 m/s, -0.3 rad/sec will be:
data: [127, 156, 127, 85, 128, 0, 128, 0]
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<hostname>:11311/
# ~/.bashrc, likely your laptop hostname
# Uncommenting the wheelepi one should automatically set your laptop as ROS_MASTER_URI
rosrun ros_vehicle_model ros2can
rostopic echo /sent_messages | grep data #remove grep if multiple can IDs in future
rostopic pub --once /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x: -0.1, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0,y: 0.0,z: -0.3}}'
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ros-canopen
Possible future dependencies:
cd catkin_ws/src/
git clone https://github.com/scanse/sweep-ros.git`
git clone https://github.com/scanse/sweep-sdk
cd sweep-sdk/
cd libsweep/
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --build . --target install
sudo ldconfig
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-pointcloud-to-laserscan
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-navigation
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-amcl
(may need to move .h and .cpp files up one level to top level lib folder)
git clone https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/CAN_BUS_Shield.git (mcp_can for Nano)
https://github.com/sparkfun/CAN-Bus_Shield/tree/master/Libraries/Arduino/src (mcp2515 for Uno)
git clone https://github.com/GreyGnome/PinChangeInt.git
pip install python-can
wget "https://bitbucket.org/hardbyte/python-can/get/4085cffd2519.zip"
unzip 4085cffd2519.zip
mv hardbyte-python-can-4085cffd2519/ hardbyte-python-can
rm 4085cffd2519.zip
cd hardbyte-python-can/
sudo python3 setup.py install
sudo apt-get install can-utils
modify /boot/config.txt
To use can in linux:
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
candump can0
cansend can0 idh#dd.dd.dd.dd.dd.dd.dd.dd