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AppDotNet Overview

mattrubin edited this page Mar 3, 2013 · 5 revisions

The AppDotNet library provides an asynchronous Objective-C wrapper for the API. The library has two main components: the ADNModel objects, which represent the various resources, and the ADNClient, which handles all communication with It also has ADNAuthenticationRequest, which helps with the authentication process.

API Client

The ADNClient class is responsible for communicating with For each resource, there is an extension on ADNClient containing methods for each of the corresponding endpoints.

For most of the API methods, an access token is required. Setting the accessToken property on an ADNClient will use that token for all requests made via that client.

The simplest way to make use of the client is through the singleton instance [ADNClient sharedClient]. To support multiple accounts, you can create multiple instances of ADNClient, each with their own access token.

API Requests

Each method on ADNClient takes whatever parameters are required by that API endpoint, as well as an optional completion block. The completion block is passed three objects: the object or collection of objects which were returned from the server, an ADNMetadata object which contains the meta information from the response envelope, and possibly an NSError if something went wrong. The completion block is run on the main thread by default.

Model objects

Top-Level Resources
ADNUser A model object representing an User. An ADNUser contains an ADNDescription for the user's biographical info, an ADNAnnotationCollection containing user annotations, and two ADNImages for the avatar and cover images.
ADNPost A subclass of ADNText representing a public post. It contains an ADNUser object for the user who created the post, an ADNSource object for the app used to create the post, and an ADNAnnotationCollection of post annotations.
ADNChannel An object representing an messaging channel. It contains an ADNUser object for the channel's owner, an ADNAnnotationCollection of channel annotations, and two ADNAccessControlLists defining read and write premissions.
ADNMessage A subclass of ADNText representing a message in a channel. It contains an ADNUser object for the creator, an ADNSource object for the app used to create it, and an ADNAnnotationCollection.
ADNFile An object representing a file uploaded to It contains an ADNUser, an ADNSource, an ADNAnnotationCollection, and a collectin of ADNDerivedFiles.
ADNStream An object representing an stream.
NOTE: Stream API methods currently requires an app token, so this resource is not currently usable in a client-side app.
ADNFilter A filter on an stream.
NOTE: Stream API methods currently requires an app token, so this resource is not currently usable in a client-side app.
ADNInteraction An object representing a user action on
NOTE: This class is not yet implemented
ADNStreamMarker A marker object storing a user's location on a stream of posts.
NOTE: This class is not yet implemented
ADNToken An object representing the current OAuth access token. It contains an ADNUser for the current user and an ADNSource representing the current app.
Other Model Objects
ADNAccessControlList An ACL specifying who can read and who can write Messages in an ADNChannel.
ADNDerivedFile A derived file, usually a resized image based on an ADNFile.
ADNDescription An ADNText subclass representing biographical information on an ADNUser.
ADNImage An object representing an avatar or cover image on an ADNUser
ADNSource.h An object containing info about the API consumer that was used to create an ADNPost, ADNMessage, or ADNFile.
ADNText.h An object containing text, html, and entities, which serves as the base for the ADNPost, ADNMessage, and ADNDescription classes.
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