- docker
- docker-compose
- md5sum
The results will be written to the results folder.
Outputs prediction performance table data and throughput vs latency scatter plots based on the .json results in the results folder.
The models are implemented in benchmark/models.py
they can be modified there.
├── benchmark <- code for running the benchmarks
│ ├── main.py
│ ├── models.py <- "equivalent" model implementation for every framework
├── data
│ └── data.md5 <- MD5 hashes of datasets to verify dataset download
├── docker <- contains files for building docker images
│ ├── cntk
│ │ └── requirements.txt <- version pinned python dependencies per framework
│ ├── mxnet
│ │ └── requirements.txt
│ ├── python-dockerfile <- base python image for all frameworks and tools
│ ...
│ └── util
│ └── requirements.txt <- dependencies for the utility scripts
├── docker-compose.yml <- all container definitions and config
├── docs
│ └── frameworks.txt <- list of frameworks to compare
├── post_process.sh <- post process the results to obtain tables and plots
├── run.sh <- download the datasets and run the benchmarks!
└── util
├── download.py <- download all the necessary datasets
├── plot_throughput_latency.py <- create a throughput latency plot
└── prediction_time.py <- output prediction stats table data