Brandmeister Last Heard Monitor/Notifier
This Python script will listen to the Brandmeister Last Heard API endpoint for any callsign or Talkgroup (or both) that you configure and it will send you a notification when there is activity for those callsigns and/or talkgroups.
Created by mclemens/pyBMNotify then forked/refactored by n8acl/bm_monitor and finally you are here: mauvehed/bm_monitor.
This script is really just a refactoring using a newer socketIO python library from what the original pyBMNotify script was using. Brandmesiter updated the protocol that their API was using a few months ago and the old script did not support the newer protocol, so I just refactored the script for this newer protocol.
The actual logic and guts of the script are still the same as the original pyBMNotify script that Michael Clemens, DK1MI wrote and that is all HIS work. That is why this is a fork, not an original work. I wanted to make sure that was clear. I did not do the heavy lifting for this project, I just refactored the connection. Everything else is his work.
This script is for use by Amateur Radio Operators only.
This script will push a notification to the following services:
- Discord
- Telegram
- Pushover
Click here to see the installation and setup steps. Then come back here. This is a bit of a long document, so read it all carefully.
01/15/2025 - Point Release 1.3.3 - Add debug log file "" with all Brandmeister messages
12/22/2024 - Point Release 1.3.2 - Add improved logging
12/20/2024 - Point Release 1.3.1 - Add TalkerAlias compatibility when posting to Discord
12/19/2024 - Minor Update Release 1.3 - Add functionality to post Discord messages to Threads
05/20/2024 - Minor Update Release 1.2 - Added Logic to handle multiple events from BM to correctly identify the event needed to send a notification message
12/23/2022 - Minor Update Release 1.1 - Fixed logic for ignoring Noisy calls (Callsigns to ignore)
07/12/2022 - Inital Release