It contains the installation and configuration for most of apps I use.
Important: It is not fully automated yet.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Gnome 3.20
- Appearance config in the desktop image
Clone this project:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
git clone ~/.dotfiles
Install Dropbox and sync the data.
Bootstrap and install apps:
cd ~/.dotfiles
- Theme:
- Open iTerm then go to
- Import the One Dark theme from
~/.vim/bundles/onedark.vim/term/One Dark.itermcolors
- Select the One Dark theme after imported
- Fix the theme color in ANSI Colors section by setting Black Normal to
- Open iTerm then go to
- Font:
- Download and install Monaco for Powerline font
- Open iTerm then go to
- Select Monaco for Powerline font
Although the font is automatically download to ~/.fonts
. I could not set automatically the gnome terminal font. So we need to do it manually changing the font to: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Semibold 10
Based on few existig vim configuration projects: