Logmon is a realtime log reader written with Flask and Juggernaut.
Start by cloning this repository:
$ git clone git://github.com/maxcountryman/logmon.git
This application does assume you have Node.js installed so that you can make use of npm and run Juggernaut. You will need npm to install Juggernaut if not already installed:
$ curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
Now you should be able to install Juggernaut:
$ npm install -g juggernaut
Once installed you will now need to run Juggernaut. Juggernaut serves as an interface between the frontend of the application and the backend.
Finally before you can use the included runner you will need to install gevent. Gevent is a coroutine-based module for concurrency. Here it serves the simple task of reading off a file without blocking execution:
$ pip install -U gevent
At this point you should be able to execute the runner script and point your
browser to
Once set up, ensure the Juggernaut server is already running and then simply execute the runner script:
$ python runner.py
Depending upon how log rotating is setup, the follow function in the runner script will break when the log is rotated. In order to get around this you may need to do some hacking related to your specific set up.
Assuming you're using logrotated and nginx you can edit the logrotated
config to use a customized sh command when rotating. For instance, let's
assume your config is located /etc/logrotate.d/nginx
, then you might
edit it to look like this:
/var/log/nginx/*log {
create 640 http log
/bin/kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/nginx.pid 2>/dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /tmp/Logmon.pid`
Notice we are sending a SIGHUP to the logmon script. In order for this to work we need to modify the runner to save its PID as well as respond to SIGHUP in a favorable way.
Because the runner is making use of gevent and due to some pecularities of the specifics of the way libev is wrapped, the gevent.signals wrapper must be used in place of Python's built-in module.
The rewrite should look something like this, although depending on your situation you may find this needs to be modified:
if __name__ == '__main__':
from logmon import app
from flask import escape
from juggernaut import Juggernaut
import gevent
from gevent import monkey
from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix
import os
import time
import signal
jug = Juggernaut()
f = None
LOG_FILE = app.config['LOG_FILE']
def write_pid(filepath='/tmp/{}.pid'):
with open(filepath.format(app.config['SITE_NAME']), 'w') as f:
pid = str(os.getpid())
def follow(filepath):
global f
f = open(filepath)
f.seek(0, 2)
def rotate_handler():
global f
f = open(filepath)
# bind to SIGHUP
gevent.signal(signal.SIGHUP, rotate_handler)
while True:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
line = escape(line)
jug.publish('logger', line)
# write the PID to a file
# fixes the X-Real-IP header
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)
http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5051), app)
jobs = [gevent.spawn(follow, LOG_FILE),