A light Web Service client framework targeting iOS platform.
##Note PicoKit is initially a fork of pico.
Pico (and related projects: mxjc, mwsc & nano) has been developed by bulldog2011 but stayed as is from 2013. As it is very well designed and implemented, I decided to fork it and upgrade it to support ARC and be available through CocoaPods.
- Support WSDL driven development, code generator tool is provided to auto-genearte strongly typed proxy from WSDL.
- Support SOAP 1.1/1.2 and XML based web service.
- Support automatic SOAP/XML to Objective-C object binding, performance is better than iOS native XML parser.
- Built on popular and mature AFNetworking library for iOS.
- Has been verified with industrial level Web Service like Amazon ECommerce Web Serivce and eBay Finding/Shopping/Trading Web Service.
- Support asychronous service invocation, flexible HTTP/SOAP header setting, timeout setting, encoding setting, logging, etc.
PicoKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'PicoKit'
Include the whole Pico source in your project. If you use this option, make sure:
- In Target Build Setting, add the
flag to your "Other Linker flags". - In Target Build Setting, add
to your "Header Search Paths" - In Target Build Phases, link binary with library
- Generate Objective-C proxy from WSDL
- Create new iOS project, add PicoKit and generated proxy into your project
- Implement appliction logic and UI, call proxy to invoke web service as needed.
After the service proxy is generated from wsdl, service invocation through Pico runtime is extremely easy:
// start progress activity
[self.view makeToastActivity];
// Get shared service client
StockQuoteServiceClient *client = [StockQuoteServiceClient sharedClient];
client.debug = YES; // enable request/response message logging
// Build request object
GetQuote *request = [[GetQuote alloc] init];
request.symbol = _symbolText.text;
// make API call and register callbacks
[client getQuote:request success:^(GetQuoteResponse *responseObject) {
// stop progress activity
[self.view hideToastActivity];
// show result
_resultText.text = responseObject.getQuoteResult;
} failure:^(NSError *error, id<PicoBindable> soapFault) {
// stop progress activity
[self.view hideToastActivity];
if (error) { // http or parsing error
[self.view makeToast:[error localizedDescription] duration:3.0 position:@"center" title:@"Error"];
} else if (soapFault) {
SOAP11Fault *soap11Fault = (SOAP11Fault *)soapFault;
[self.view makeToast:soap11Fault.faultstring duration:3.0 position:@"center" title:@"SOAP Fault"];
All samples are in the Examples folder, following samples are included:
- StockQuote - Demo app using StockQueue SOAP web serivce from webserviceX.NET.
- CurrencyConverter - Demo app using CurrencyConverter SOAP web service from webserviceX.NET.
- BarCode - Demo app using BarcodeGenerator SOAP web serivce from webserviceX.NET
- Weather - Demo app using Weather SOAP web serivce from wsf.cdyne.com
- AWSECommerce - Hello world like sample using Amazon Product Advertising API SOAP call.
- AWSECDemoApp - Sample Amazon Book search and purchase app using Amazon Product Advertising API.
- eBayFinding - Hello world like sample using eBay Finding API SOAP call.
- eBayShopping - Hello world like sample using eBay Shopping API XML call.
- eBayDemoApp - Sample eBay Search App using both eBay Finding API and eBay Shopping API.
- Wsdl Driven Development on iOS - the Big Picture
- Pico Tutorial 1 - A StockQuote Sample
- Pico Tutorial 2 - A CurrencyConverter Sample
- Pico Tutorial 3 - Hello eBay Finding Service
- Pico Tutorial 4 - Hello eBay Shopping Service
- Pico Tutoiral 5 - Hello Amazon Product Advertising API
- Pico and eBay Trading API integration How To
- Easy Web Service on iOS with Pico[ppt]
XML Schema Data Types | Objective-C Data Types |
xsd:base64Binary | NSData |
xsd:boolean | NSNumber |
xsd:byte | NSNumber |
xsd:date | NSDate |
xsd:dateTime | NSDate |
xsd:decimal | NSNumber |
xsd:double | NSNumber |
xsd:duration | NSString |
xsd:float | NSNumber |
xsd:g | NSDate |
xsd:hexBinary | NSData |
xsd:int | NSNumber |
xsd:integer | NSNumber |
xsd:long | NSNumber |
xsd:NOTATION | NSString |
xsd:Qname | NSString |
xsd:short | NSNumber |
xsd:string | NSString |
xsd:time | NSDate |
xsd:unsignedByte | NSNumber |
xsd:unsignedInt | NSNumber |
xsd:unsignedShort | NSNumber |
Version | Date | Description |
0.5.0 | March 25, 2013 | Initial version |
0.6.1 | April 10, 2015 | ARC & CocoaPods support |
0.7.0 | August 10, 2015 | Upgrade to AFNetworking 2.5.4 |
0.7.1 | September 29, 2015 | Upgrade to iOS9 & AFNetworking 2.6.0 |
0.7.2 | October 27, 2015 | Upgrade to GDataXML-HTML 1.3.0 |
- Only Document/Literal style Web Service is support, RPC style Web Serivice is not supported.
- SOAP attachment is not supported
- Pico proxy for Amazon Product Advertising API
- Pico proxy for eBay Finding API
- Pico proxy for eBay Shopping API
- Pico proxy for eBay Trading API
PicoKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.