The Reverse Liquidity Split is inspired by the Reverse Stock Split.
In TradFi, a company can consolidates the number of existing shares of stock into fewer (higher-priced) shares. This is usually a red flag, but
there are advantages in terms of regulations/policies.
In DeFi, It seems completely unnecessary to divide the balance of every holders...
Unless we only apply this mechanism on a liquidity pool 🤔
We have the $REV token with some liquidity on Uniswap V2.
Liquidity => 1000 $REV / 1000 $USDC
Price => 1 $REV = 1 $USDC
If we start a 50% split (by calling the split
token function), the smart contract will burn 50% of the UniswapV2Pair balance and call the sync
_burn(liquidityPool, liqAmount / divisor);
After that, we have in liquidity : 500 $REV and 1000 $USDC. This will change the price!
1 $REV = 2 $USDC. This is a 100% increase.
Great ! Your token is pumping. But never forget that :
- This is not a real solution (rather a red flag).
- It will increase volatility.
forge build
forge test --fork-url
Tests are targeting mainnet Uniswap V2 Router and Factory
This project is using Foundry
curl -sSf | sh
cargo install --git --bin forge --locked