This Solidity project builds 721 and 1155 NFTs modified to send royalty payments to the author whenever the NFT is resold. I developed this smart contract. A modified version was used by a very well known NFT author.
> pip3 install eth-brownie
Install pipx: > python3 -m pip install --user pipx > python3 -m pipx ensurepath
Install brownie > pipx install eth-brownie
> sudo npm install -g ganache-cli
> brownie pm install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@<VERSION>
<VERSION> is currently at 4.0.0
To compile the solidity smart contracts, run the following command: > brownie compile
To execute the unit tests defined in the tests/ folder, run the following command: > brownie test -s
The -s switch will print out to the console output from print() calls.
When calling a Solidity function, the returned result is the txn instead of the value. To get the value, add '.call()' to the end of the function name.