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user-management microservice

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This is a microservice for user management, built with NestJS. The service provides endpoints for user registration, login, password reset and more. This microservice is a part of the overall banking system and its purpose is to manage user accounts within the system.


These are some of tech that the project uses:

  • NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework.
  • Typescript - TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types.
  • Typeorm - TypeORM is an ORM that can run in NodeJS.
  • Postgres - Relational Database.
  • JWT - JSON Web Tokens.


Environment Variables

The following environment variables are required for this microservice:

  • DB_HOST - The hostname of the database.
  • DB_PORT - The port of the database.
  • DB_USERNAME - The username for the database.
  • DB_PASSWORD - The password for the database.
  • DB_NAME - The name of the database.
  • APP_PORT - The port for the microservice.
  • JWT_SECRET - The secret used to sign JWT tokens.
  • JWT_EXPIRES - The amount of time a JWT token should be valid for.
  • EMAIL_HOST - The hostname of the email server.
  • EMAIL_PORT - The port of the email server.
  • SMTP_SECURE - Whether to use secure SMTP.
  • EMAIL_USER - The username for the email account.
  • EMAIL_PASSWORD - The password for the email account.
  • EMAIL_FROM - The from address for email notifications.
  • EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_URL - The URL to confirm a user's email address.
  • THROTTLE_TTL - The time-to-live for rate limiting in seconds.
  • THROTTLE_LIMIT - The number of requests allowed per time-to-live.

Install the dependencies, run migrations and start the server.

npm install
npm run migration:run
npm run start




Create a new user account.

Path: /users/register

Method: POST

Request Body: { "email": "[email protected]", "password": "secretpassword", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe" }


Retrieve a list of all users. This endpoint is only accessible by administrators.

Path: /users


Retrieve the details of a single user, by ID. This endpoint is only accessible by administrators.

Path: /users/:id

Method: GET

Example Request: /users/1


Send a password reset email to the specified email address.

Path: /users/reset-password

Method: POST

Request Body: { "email": "[email protected]" }


Change a user's password.

Path: /users/change-password Method: PUT

Request Body: { "userId": "user-id-123", "oldPassword": "old-password", "newPassword": "new-password" }


Delete a user account.

Path: /users/:id

Method: DELETE



Authenticate a user and retrieve a JSON Web Token.

Path: /auth/login

Method: POST

Request Body: { "email": "[email protected]", "password": "secretpassword" }


Confirm a user's email address.

Path: /auth/confirm-email

Method: POST

Request Body: { "token": "token generated" }


Develop in nodejs version 16.19.0.