is an R package with the goal of providing researchers with
easy-to-use tools for the computation of Bayes factors for common
biomedical research designs. Implemented are functions to test the
equivalence (equiv_bf()
), non-inferiority (infer_bf()
), and
superiority (super_bf()
) of an experimental group (e.g., a new
medication) compared to a control group (e.g., a placebo or an already
existing medication) on a continuous dependent variable, as well as
functions for simulating survival data (coxph_data_sim()
) and
calculating a Bayes factor for Cox proportional hazards models
). A special focus of baymedr
lies on a user-friendly
interface, so that a wide variety or researchers (i.e., not only
statisticians) can utilize baymedr
for their analyses.
To install baymedr
You can install the latest development version of baymedr
GitHub, using the devtools
package, with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Subsequently, you can load baymedr
, so that it is ready to use: