python --version or
python -V
python -VV
py --version
pip --version
Create a folder, cd to the folder, then:
python -m venv [virt env name]
This creates a [virt env name]folder containing instance of Python
[virt env name]/Scripts/activate
and DEactivate: deactivate
and Delete: rm -r [virt env name]
(works for bash)
get list of modules:
terminal: python
*There is a way to see the only list of modules without dependandant modules...
install: pip install --user pipenv
After installing pipenv check out if it is connected in Environment variables!!! It may be not.
Create a folder / cd to the folder / then:
pipenv shell
this creates an environment with the name of folder along with the Pipfile (like package.json) and activates the environment (does it?) (it does) ! - check out if this activated environment is being used in VSCode 'choose interpreter section'
install: pipenv install [package name]
uninstall: pipenv uninstall [package name]
install dev dependencies: pipenv install [package name] --dev
see all packages installed + versions pipenv graph