Mintee is inspired by Mint, Intuit's personal financial management platform. This app implements many of the same features, allowing users to manage their accounts, track spending, and monitor investments.
Mintee is hosted on Heroku and incorporates the following technologies:
- Ruby on Rails
- React
- Redux
- PostgreSQL
- Webpack
- Babel
- Investments
- Investment prices updated daily for each Investment - Finnhub API
- Dynamic ticker suggestions to assist with investment creation
- Create, Update, and Delete investments - updates associated account balance
- Search by name/ticker & Sort by table column (Ascending/Descending)
- Transactions View
- Create, Update, and Delete Transactions - updates associated account balance
- Search by description/category & Sort by table column (Ascending/Descending)
- Pagination of transactions list
- Dashboard View
- View, Create, Update, and Delete Accounts
- Chart.js: Current Month Income vs. Spending & Trailing 3 Month Spending Trend
- Sign Up / Login
- User authentication and authorization leveraging BCrypt to hash user passwords