nodejs for Eintopf
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.
This is a simple hello world example in nodejs with mazehall and express. You can use this as a pattern for your own Eintopf nodejs projects.
Eintopf is a pot with the mixture of the smart development tools Docker, Vagrant and VirtualBox. Made to ease the chore of the daily project works.
Changes in the project description will be loaded by Eintopf after a while. To be sure just restart Eintopf.
Clone this project description into your Eintopf configs folder (default: ~/.eintopf/default/configs)
git clone ~/.eintopf/configs/my-node-app
Change the project name to properly use your new project description in Eintopf. To do that you have to change the "name" properties in the package.json file:
"name": "my-node-app", # change this
"eintopf": {
"name": "My node app" # change this
Changing of the other entries is encouraged but optional.
Change "PROJECT_DIR" in in order to use your own project folder.
The project will then be deployed in yourEintopfAppPath/my-node-app.
You are now ready to work on your new nodejs project.
Change "VIRTUAL_HOST" in the docker-compose.yml. You have to set this in order to get through the proxy.
- Customize docker-compose.yml to suit your project environment (optional)
- Customize your build steps (optional)
- keep in mind that the build can be started in and outside of the eintopf box
- use the callInbox helper function from
- Add Eintopf custom actions (optional)