Simple build info generator basing on git and user's defined build data.
This task is merely inspired by [thread on HackerNews] ( and bases on build_info.clj gist shared by one of commentators.
$ boot -h
Generates build information composed of git sha/branch and user's defined data
-h, --help Print this help info.
-d, --dest DESTINATION Set location where build info json will be created to DESTINATION.
-b, --build BUILD=VAL Conj [BUILD VAL] onto additional build data
should be relative to project root directory and should contain file name as well, eg: data/build.json
By default it's set to resources/build.json
is a key-string value map with additional info that should be attached to build info (like environment, tags, etc.)
Because sometimes it's crucial to know what your production is running on. Having simple json with basic build info (git branch, sha of last commit...) exposed eg. by REST endpoint may save your life in case of emergency.
With no additional configuration following information is attached to build.json:
{:sha (git rev-parse --short HEAD)
:tag (git describe --abbrev=0 --tags HEAD)
:branch (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
:timestamp (now-iso-str)}
(def +version+ "1.0.0")
build-info {:build {:env "prod" :version +version+}})
this results in something like this in your resources/build.json
# boot build-info
{"sha":"07bae1e", "tag":"RC1", "branch":"master", "timestamp":"2016-04-20T10:04:24.586Z", "env":"prod", "version":"0.1.0"}
Copyright © Michał Buczko
Licensed under the EPL.