Simple way to push JMX-based metrics to Riemann aggregator.
Riemann is unique and elegant way of aggregating incoming events and pushing them futher into (almost) whatever store has been invented so far. It's a push-based architecture where client application needs to take care of sending own events to aggregator by itself. What are those events? Well, these may be an application logs (at debug/info/error level for example) or metrics created by famous dropwizard metrics library or even memory/cpu usage at given time. Whatever our events are it would be nice to have a common and dead-simple way to create them.
This is where JMX comes onto scene.
Think of JMX as a collection of beans which you can ask for any information that your application (and JVM!) was able to expose. By default you may find there quite impressing amount of information:
Imagine now that we will expose this way our own metrics and transform them into events periodically:
Indeed, this is what metrics-riemann-reporter
Under the hood metrics-riemann-reporter
makes use of metric library and its ability to register mbeans serving every single metric that we already defined.
Having mbeans registered, separate thread polls them once per 2 seconds by default, transforming each metric into event. As you may guess, finally events are sent to riemann aggregator.
Import metrics-riemann-reporter
[defunkt/metrics-riemann-reporter "0.0.2"]
It depends on metrics-clojure
which you may use to create metrics registry:
(require '[metrics.core :refer [new-registry]
'[metrics.counters :refer [counter inc!]])
(defonce registry (new-registry))
Time to define first metric. Let it be a counter:
(def sessions (counter registry "sessions-created"))
(inc! sessions)
Now, let's expose our metrics in JMX and decide which mbeans should be polled for data that we want to send out as events:
(require '[reporter.core :as r])
(def beans [{:mbean "metrics:name=default.default.sessions-created" :metrics [:Count] :event "sessions-created"}])
(def reporter (r/init-reporter {:host "localhost" :port 5555} registry "my-service" beans))
Mysterious beans
is a vector of:
{:mbean object-name,
:metrics object-attributes
:event event-name,
:service optional-service-name,
:tags optional-tags}
and resulting event will look like this:
{:service "my-service.sessions-created.Count"
:state "ok"
:metric 1
:tags nil}
Where the service name comes from? It's combined of 3 elements: service name, event and metric where the service name is provided as argument of init-reporter
or may be set up in each bean definition separately (and has a priority over a former one).
Additionally each bean may define its own vector of tags
which might be used during events aggregation by riemann.
Unused reporter should be shut down:
(r/shutdown-reporter reporter)
To make things even easier reporter exposes its own 2 mbeans by default:
with attribute:CpuUsed
reporting current CPU usagejava.lang:name=Heap
with attributes:HeapInit
reporting heap memory usage
which can be turned into events based on following beans definition:
[{:mbean "java.lang:name=Cpu" :metrics [:CpuUsed] :event "cpu"}
{:mbean "java.lang:name=Heap" :metrics [:HeapInit :HeapUsed] :event "memory"}]