Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.
demonstrates a working build system written in GNU awk, to organize build steps for awk projects.
$ cd example
$ ./bb
bzz bzz
$ ./bb help
Usage: bb [<task> [<task> [<task> ...]]]
* all
* help
* test
Tasks are implemented with awk functions.
Task trees are implemented with functions that call other functions.
That's it.
- Inspiration from nobuild, a convention for C/C++ build systems
- bashate, a shell script style linter
- beltaloada, a guide to writing build systems for (POSIX) sh
- booty for JS/Node.js/altJS
- dale builds D projects
- Gradle, a build system for JVM projects
- jelly, a JSON task runner
- lake, a Lua task runner
- Leiningen + lein-exec, a Clojure task runner
- lichen, a sed task runner
- Mage, a task runner for Go projects
- mian, a task runner for (Chicken) Scheme Lisp
- npm, Grunt, Node.js task runners
- POSIX make, a task runner standard for C/C++ and various other software projects
- Rake, a task runner for Ruby projects
- Rebar3, a build system for Erlang projects
- rez builds C/C++ projects
- sbt, a build system for Scala projects
- Shake, a task runner for Haskell projects
- ShellCheck, a shell script linter with a rich collection of rules for promoting safer scripting
- slick, a linter to enforce stricter, unextended POSIX sh syntax compliance
- stank, a collection of POSIX-y shell script linters
- tinyrick for Rust projects
- yao, a task runner for Common LISP projects