STPivot4 is based on the old Pivot4J project where functionality has been added, improved and extended. These techincal features are mentioned below.
For additional information, you may visit STPivot4 Project page at
Main Features:
- STPivot4 is Pentaho plugin for visualizing OLAP cubes.
- Deploys as Pentaho Plugin
- Supports Mondrian 4!
- Improves Pentaho user experience.
- Intuitive UI with Drag & Drop for Measures, Dimensions and Filters
- Adds key features to Pentaho OLAP viewer replacing JPivot.
- Easy multi-level member selection.
- Advanced and function based member selection (Limit, Ranking, Filter, Order).
- Let user create "on the fly" formulas and calculations using
- Non MDX gran totals (min,max,avg and sum) per member, hierarchy or axis.
- New user friendly Selector Area
- and more…