Sample gRPC / Rest API project in Go
Uses protoc, gRPC and grpc-gateway for Rest and OpenAPI/Swagger
In this example we have a small "home control" system that simply turn on/off some lights.
As our system grows in popularity, we want to open it to the world, and to achieve this, we will develop an API. For the first mileston, we want to expose the following endpoints:
- list all registered devices
- find a device by it's id
- switch a device on, off or dim
- create / register a new device
The following is a device's JSON representation we use in this project
"id": 1,
"hardware": "philips",
"name": "light",
"location" : "kitchen",
"type": "onOff",
"state": 100
write the protoc spec
generate pb services and message types file
protoc -I. -I%GOPATH%\src -I%GOPATH%\src\\grpc-ecosystem\grpc-gateway\third_party\googleapis --go_out=plugins=grpc:. device.proto
implement the code
generate the grpc-gateway file
protoc -I. -I%GOPATH%\src -I%GOPATH%\src\\grpc-ecosystem\grpc-gateway\third_party\googleapis --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:. device.proto
generate the OpenAPI spec/doc
protoc -I. -I%GOPATH%\src -I%GOPATH%\src\\grpc-ecosystem\grpc-gateway\third_party\googleapis -I%GOPATH%\src\\grpc-ecosystem\grpc-gateway --swagger_out=logtostderr=true:. device.proto