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Removes MSOL direct license assignments from users in a specified group.

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  • MSOnline PowerShell Module
  • Related AzureAD Permissions


Removes MSOL direct license assignments from users in the group specified by $GroupID. I added the switches -ReprocessUsers and -ReprocessGroups to make reprocessing easier. Depending on the number of users in a group, this could take a while to run. I have also included Write-Host $Logstring for debugging but if you don't want any output on the console you can remove that line from the LogWrite function. There is a progress bar included by default so you can track progress and make sure the script hasn't frozen up.


Please note that if the user's working license is directly assigned and you are running this to enable their group based license, you will need to reprocess before the account can use the group based license. This can cause downtime. I recomend doing a change request so your users don't get mad. Or don't. Whatever. I'm not your boss.


  Removes Directly assigned licenses from users in a specified group.
  Utilizes the MSOnline PowerShell module to gather the users in a group and remove their directly assigned
  licenses. Please note the user or group will need to be reprocessed and license assignments will be lost if 
  the active license directly assigned. Licenses assigned via groups will not apply until reprocessing is complete.
    Required - The group ID for the group which you want to reprocess. 
.PARAMETER ReprocessUsers
    Switch - Reprocess the users 1 by 1 after they have direct assignments removed. Recomended for larger groups. 
.PARAMETER ReprocessGroup
    Switch - Reprocesses the entire group after every user has had their direct assignments removed. 
  Logs stored in $ENV:Temp\PowerShell_Logs\Azure_DirectAssignmentRemoval.log
  Version:        1.0
  Author:         Michael Cherneski
  Creation Date:  25 October 2019
  Purpose/Change: Initial script development
Remote-MSOLDirectAssignments -GroupID "XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" -ReprocessUsers
        Position = 0,
        ValueFromPipeline = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Group Object ID."
        Mandatory = $True,
        HelpMessage = "Reprocess users."
        Mandatory = $True,
        HelpMessage = "Reprocess user"
#                Assign Variables
#Group Object ID already set as $GroupID
#Log File Location $ENV:TEMP\PowerShell_Logs\
$LogFileDir = "$ENV:Temp\PowerShell_Logs\"
If(!(Test-Path $LogFileDir)){mkdir $LogFileDir}
$LogFileName = "Azure_DirectAssignmentRemoval.log"
#Combine log file dir and log file name
$LogFile = "$LogFileDir" + "$LogFileName"
#Function for log writing.
Function LogWrite
   Param ([string]$logstring)
   $Date = Get-Date -format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
   Add-content $Logfile -value "$Date - $logstring"
   Write-Host "$logstring"
LogWrite -logstring "Starting New Execution: Removing Direct Licenses from $GroupID."

# Test if we have a Microsoft Online (Azure) Service connection. Connect if not.
    Get-MsolCompanyInformation -ErrorAction Stop > $Null
    LogWrite -logstring "Could not find MSOL Service connection, establishing new connection."
$MemberIDs = (Get-MsolGroupMember -GroupObjectId $GroupID -All | Select-Object ObjectID).ObjectID
$MemberCount = $MemberIDs.Count

LogWrite "Found $MemberCount members in $GroupID."
$i = 0
# Find the MSOL group members and sort out licenses. 
$MemberIDs| ForEach-Object {
    #Collect User information
    $User = Get-MsolUser -ObjectId $_
    $DisplayName = $User.UserPrincipalName
    LogWrite -logstring "Starting script execution for $DisplayName"
    # Find user licenses and determine which ones are assigned directly. We then put the direct
    # licenses into an array, named $DirectLicenses. 
    $Licenses = $User.Licenses
    $DirectLicenses = @()
    Foreach($License in $Licenses){
        If ($License.GroupsAssigningLicense.Count -eq 0){
            $DirectLicenses += $License
    Foreach($License in $Licenses){
        If($License.GroupsAssigningLicense.Guid -eq $User.ObjectID.Guid){
            $DirectLicenses += $License
# If the direct license count is greater than 0, start the process of removing the direct licenses.
# Otherwise, write to the log and exit script.
    $DLCount = $DirectLicenses.Count
    If($DLCount -gt 0){
        LogWrite -logstring "Found $DLCount directly assigned licenses for $DisplayName"
        Logwrite -logstring "Collecting Direct License service status."
        $EnabledStaticServices = @()
        $DirectLicenses.ServiceStatus | ForEach-Object {
            If ($_.ProvisioningStatus -ne "Disabled"){         
             $EnabledStaticServices += $_
        $SKUIDs = $DirectLicenses.AccountSKUID
        LogWrite -logstring "Removing User: $DisplayName from Group(s): $SKUIDs"
        Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -RemoveLicenses $SKUIDs

            LogWrite -logstring "ReprocessUser switch specified. Starting user reprocessing."
            Redo-MsolProvisionUser -ObjectId $_
        LogWrite -logstring "$DisplayName had no directly assigned licenses."
    Write-Progress -Activity "Removing Direct License Assignments" -Status "User: $DisplayName | Progress: $i of $MemberCount" -PercentComplete (($i / $MemberCount) * 100)
#When all said and done, if -ReprocessGroup is specified, run the reprocess command.
    LogWrite -logstring "ReprocessGroup switch specified. Starting group reprocessing. (May take a while depending on # of users in group."


Removes MSOL direct license assignments from users in a specified group.






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