To your Build.scala
resolvers += (
Resolver.url("", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
and "play.modules.mail" %% "play2-mail-plugin" % "0.6"
as a dependency.
Checkout the project, build it from the sources with sbt package
command. Then either:
- put the jar available in
to the lib folder of your play app - publish it localy with
sbt publish-local
and add"play.modules.mail" %% "play2-mail-plugin" % "0.7-SNAPSHOT"
to your build settings.
You can add it as a submodule of your play project.
Checkout the project in modules/mail-plugin, then do git submodule add
In your project Build.scala add the dependency to the plugin :
val mailPlugin = Project("mailPlugin", file("modules/mail-plugin"))
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA)
import mail._
import Mail._
def sendMail = Action.async { request =>
val attachment = Source.fromBytes("Ninja should wear black"
val result = Mail()
.from("sender", "[email protected]")
.to("receiver", "[email protected]")
.replyTo("ninja master", "[email protected]")
.withSubject("A subject")
.withAttachments(Attachment("ninja code", attachment, "text/plain")
result.flatMap { _ => Ok("It works") }
Mail class utilizes statically typed builder pattern, so send()
method is not available before sender, receiver,
subject and message body (either text or html) is set.
In application.conf
#put this setting in you want to mock the mail server in development
#smtp server settings
Supported transports: SMTP_PLAIN
(default), SMTP_SSL
- updated to Play Framework 2.4.3
- changed signature of a
method fromUnit
- updated to Play Framework 2.3.5
No API change.
- support for SSL/TSL transports in configuration
- updated to Play Framework 2.2.2
No API change. Thanks to @tjjalava for submitting the pull request.
- updated to Play Framework 2.1.1
No API change
- Bug fix: attachment name is encoded from now on
No API change
- Support for Reply-To header
- Initial release for Play Framework 2.0.3
- SMTP_PLAIN authententication
- FROM, TO, CC, BCC recipients fields supported
- Multipart content with mixed text and html
- Multiple attachments