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anna-dodd edited this page Jun 3, 2015
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In order to add a new TRE to the record, we must instantiate a TRE. This is very simple if the TRE handler exists in the plugin path. For example, to create an ACFTB TRE, I can just instantiate the default TRE constructor:
I can also declare using a specific description, retrieved from function
I can get the one I want and set the second argument in the constructor to that value.
However, I can also make a TRE from scratch, using my own description. It works for anything
Note: This particular XML example is not encouraged when developing with version 2.0 of the library. In 2.0, you will have a plugin that reads and writes the XML data for you. The methodology is also slightly different for TRE invocation in 2.0.
Let's say I want to create a TRE containing some XML data. In 1.5, we cannot just invoke our plugin to do this for us (in 2.0, we can). So we read in some XML data into a character array, and we envelope it in our raw description. Here is an example where I am creating a TRE I call XMLTRE, which is simply one big chunk of XML data:
Now I can pass that data to a function like this one:
Once I have a TRE, its easy to append it to the extensions segment:
/* construct a tre */
nitf_TRE *tre = nitf_TRE_construct("ACFTA", NULL, 154, &error);
if (!tre)
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Exiting...");
nitf_TRE *tre = nitf_TRE_construct("ACFTA", NULL, 154, &error);
if (!tre)
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Exiting...");
I can also declare using a specific description, retrieved from function
nitf_TREDescriptionSet* set = nitf_TRE_getDescriptionSet("ACFTA", error);
I can get the one I want and set the second argument in the constructor to that value.
However, I can also make a TRE from scratch, using my own description. It works for anything
Note: This particular XML example is not encouraged when developing with version 2.0 of the library. In 2.0, you will have a plugin that reads and writes the XML data for you. The methodology is also slightly different for TRE invocation in 2.0.
Let's say I want to create a TRE containing some XML data. In 1.5, we cannot just invoke our plugin to do this for us (in 2.0, we can). So we read in some XML data into a character array, and we envelope it in our raw description. Here is an example where I am creating a TRE I call XMLTRE, which is simply one big chunk of XML data:
io = nitf_IOHandle_create(argv[2], NITF_ACCESS_READONLY,
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Failed to open XML file");
off_t xmlSize = nitf_IOHandle_getSize(io, &error);
printf("Size is %ld\n", xmlSize);
if (xmlSize <= 0)
xmlData = (char*)malloc(xmlSize + 1);
xmlData[xmlSize] = 0;
if (!nitf_IOHandle_read(io, xmlData, xmlSize, &error))
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Failed to read XML file");
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Failed to open XML file");
off_t xmlSize = nitf_IOHandle_getSize(io, &error);
printf("Size is %ld\n", xmlSize);
if (xmlSize <= 0)
xmlData = (char*)malloc(xmlSize + 1);
xmlData[xmlSize] = 0;
if (!nitf_IOHandle_read(io, xmlData, xmlSize, &error))
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Failed to read XML file");
Now I can pass that data to a function like this one:
nitf_TRE* createXMLTRE(const char* data, const int length)
nitf_TRE *tre;
static nitf_TREDescription description[2];
nitf_Error error;
description[0].data_type = NITF_BCS_A;
description[0].data_count = length;
description[0].label = "XML Data";
description[0].tag = "XML";
description[1].data_type = NITF_END;
description[1].data_count = 0;
description[1].label = NULL;
description[1].tag = NULL;
tre = nitf_TRE_construct("XMLTRE", description, length, &error);
if (!tre)
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Exiting...");
return NULL;
nitf_TRE_setValue(tre, "XML", data, length, &error);
return tre;
nitf_TRE *tre;
static nitf_TREDescription description[2];
nitf_Error error;
description[0].data_type = NITF_BCS_A;
description[0].data_count = length;
description[0].label = "XML Data";
description[0].tag = "XML";
description[1].data_type = NITF_END;
description[1].data_count = 0;
description[1].label = NULL;
description[1].tag = NULL;
tre = nitf_TRE_construct("XMLTRE", description, length, &error);
if (!tre)
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Exiting...");
return NULL;
nitf_TRE_setValue(tre, "XML", data, length, &error);
return tre;
Once I have a TRE, its easy to append it to the extensions segment:
nitf_TRE* xmlTre = createXMLTRE(xmlData, xmlSize);
if (!nitf_Extensions_appendTRE(record->header->extendedSection, xmlTre, &error))
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Append failed");
if (!nitf_Extensions_appendTRE(record->header->extendedSection, xmlTre, &error))
nitf_Error_print(&error, stdout, "Append failed");