Web application for gathering feedback from your colleagues.
First, make sure you have Docker installed. Second, run the setup from the Makefile:
make setup
This will install a number of development dependencies:
- RVM (Ruby Version Manager) incl. latest Ruby
- Bundler gem
- Docker images for MySQL and Ruby
With these dependencies installed, you will be able to develop the application locally and also via the provided Docker setup.
To create the databases, run:
make init_db
To get the Google authentication working, you need to setup Google OAuth credentials via the Google API Console (see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2). Add a Google client ID and a Google client secret to the .env file in the root of your application.
You can start the application containers by running:
docker-compose up
Or if you want to run it as a daemon:
docker-compose up -d
Then visit http://localhost:3001 to see the application.
Make sure you have the test database running:
docker-compose up -d mysql_test
Then run specs: make specs
for model and controller specs and make feature_specs
for feature specs.