Note that this sample IoT web application is for testing purposes only and not a secure solution for processing data.
Map to show tracked lora data for KPN IoT workshop
Uses AWS Amplify DynamoDB data store, so recorded data will be persisted.
Can be deployed to AWS Amplify.
Runs on Next.JS
Compare to tiny-asset-tracker for Azure Web App.
- install:
npm i
- build:
npm run build
- TODO start server in production mode:
npm start
- TODO (optional) seed with dummy data:
Forward data from KPN Things to this app, running on localhost:
- KPN Things: set up a flow
- KPN Things: set destination HTTPS endpoint with
- (Tested in Firefox & Chrome, does NOT work in Safari): enable XHR Redirect
- TODO target: http://localhost:3000/api/lora
- Content Type: application/json
- HTTP Method: POST
Deploy on AWS Amplify:
npm run dev
- npx create-next-app@latest tiny-asset-tracker-amplify --no-app
- cd tiny-asset-tracker-amplify
- amplify init
- amplify add api
- /lora
- NodeJS
- CRUD function for DynamoDB
- create a new DynamoDB table
- assetdata
- lat number
- long number
- time string
- temp number
- amplify push
- amplify status (status on cli) / amplify console / amplify console api (opens web console)
- the Home.module.css is missing in the documentation! Created a dummy one
- go to localhost:3000 and create an account
- curl https://???
- fails with
{ message: "Missing Authentication Token"}
- can't find anywhere how to call the generated REST api with the correct token, e.g.
await SSR.API.get("lora", "/lora");
- fails with
- amplify add api
- Graphql
- single object
- edit schema
- amplify push
- clean up test garbage from database
- amplify console
- API tab
- data sources: LoraTable > View
- Tables: Lora-oq...
- Expore Items
- select all items > Actions > delete
- add map ui
- npm install @aws-amplify/ui-react-geo
- Create map resources by following the Amplify Geo documentation.
- amplify add geo (Use monochrome map layer:
- visualize geospatial data
- name: assetmap
- authorized & guest users
- advanced settings: yes
- DarkGrayCanvas by Esri
- amplify push
- npm run dev
- what does this add over directly using mapbox?
- delete & redeploy the app
- delete:
amplify delete
amplify push
- delete:
- restoring the app
- the first delete & redeploy attempt deleted local files so I can't deploy anymore
- this issue:
- rename the app dir
- npx create-next-app@latest tiny-asset-tracker-amplify --no-app
- cd tiny-asset-tracker-amplify
- amplify init
- use default settings
- this starts deploying the dev environment
- amplify add api
- Graphql
- single object
- edit schema
- amplify add geo
- visualize geospatial data
- amplify push
- copy the amplify dir and the src/aws-exports file from the new to the old app dir
- in the old app dir: amplify push
- npm run dev
- delete & redeploy the app, attempt 2
- the first attempt deleted local files so I can't deploy anymore
- delete app via AWS Amplify web console:
amplify console
/ 'AWS Console' / delete app - redeploy:
- remove "dev" entry from
(and more?) rm amplify/team-provider-info.json
amplify init
- do you want to use an existing environment? No
- name for environment: devz (a NEW name! fix this by deleting some other config file?)
- use
AWS profile
amplify push
npm run dev
- go to http://localhost:3000/ and recreate user account
- Move cards with table and "add mock data" form to separate route and make map full screen
- Set up an https endpoint to set as an IoT Things destinations
- Use REST instead of graphql
- Clean up graphql
- Deploy on company account (only delete via web console, update amplify/.config/local-env-info / local-aws-info & push)
- Hosting on AWS
- Visualize temperature