This repo contains the code for the paper "Micro-kinetic modeling of temporal analysis of products data using kinetics-informed neural networks" by D. Nai et al. This work aims to give a proof-of-concept demonstration of modeling TAP response through KINNs using carbon monoxide oxidation as the sample mechanism.
Authors: Dingqi Nai, Gabriel S. Gusmão, Zachary A. Kilwein, Fani Boukouvala, Andrew J. Medford
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Email correspondence: [email protected], [email protected]
The following folders are included in this repo:
- data: The synthetic TAP response data, including the outlet flow (TAP_experimental_data), catalyst zone concentration (TAP_thin_data), catalyst zone flow (TAP_cat_in/TAP_cat_out), and outlet flow moments (TAP_moments).
- tapsolver: The TAPSolver script used to generate the synthetic TAP response.
- pyomo: The notebook uses pyomo.dae to model the TAP response.
- kinns: The functional programmed kinns and the notebooks use kinns to model the TAP response, including data preprocessing, modeling, and figure generation.
This project depends on the following packages:
We strongly recommend installing TAPSolver, Pyomo, and JAX in separate environments to avoid potential compatibility issues. Installation guides for JAX, Pyomo, SciPy, Matplotlib, and pandas can be found on their websites. This guide will only cover the installation of TAPSolver and tapsap.
Please note that FEniCS is not pre-built for Windows. Windows users please use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run the code.
We recommend using the 'thinzoneFlux' branch of TAPSolver to directly obtain the thin zone flux. For other branches, the thin zone flux can be calculated using the returned mesh and concentration profiles.
conda create -n tapsolver -c conda-forge/label/cf202003 fenics
conda activate tapsolver
pip install --upgrade git+
pip install --upgrade git+
pip install --upgrade git+git://
pip install CheKiPEUQ[COMPLETE]
pip install geneticalgorithm
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade git+