A wrapper for the pdf417lib C Library, from the README:
A library to generate the 2D barcode PDF417 Project: http://pdf417lib.sourceforge.net/ Creator: Paulo Soares ([email protected]) License: LGPL or MPL 1.1 This library generates a PDF417 image of the barcode in a 1x1 scale. It requires that the displayed image be as least stretched 3 times in the vertical direction in relation with the horizontal dimension.
Fetching the codewords only can be handy for using rtex and the pst-barcode package. If you’re using prawn or RMagic the to_blob function should help generate a complete barcode.
Much of this was based off of reading through the Nokogiri and RMagic source code. Thanks!
There are a few ways to use the library, at its simplest:
PDF417.encode_text("readable barcode data") => [12, 827, 120, 90, 41, 146, 30, 512, 423, 146, 90, 570]
If you want to get the raw barcode data from the PDF417 library:
barcode = PDF417.new("readable barcode data") barcode.to_blob # oops, wrong text barcode.text = "ACTUAL barcode data" barcode.to_blob
If you want to get it as an array of strings (each array element representing a line)
If you have chunky_png installed and you’d rather have a PNG
See the RDocs for more information.
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Copyright © 2011 jamesprior. See LICENSE for details.