The slack-responder app responds to Trello POST requests and creates Trello cards 😄. Our Slack Slash Command blog post provides a detailed walkthrough to get this app up-and-running to create cards on Trello backlog boards that correspond with Slack channels. Here's the TL;DR:
Here is a video of the slack-responder app in action.
slack-responder is set up to easily be deployed to Heroku.
Deploy the app to Heroku (you can deploy elsewhere, but the app is all set up for Heroku).
Get the environment variables that are required to run the app.
Log into Trello & go to this site to get the
. -
Go to this page to get the
:[THE_APP_KEY]&name=trello-show&expiration=never&response_type=token&scope=read,write slack-responder will be creating cards, so it's imperative that scope=read,write is set. -
Go to https://[YOUR_TEAM_DOMAIN] to get the
. It forces you to choose a default channel, but this will be overriden, so it doesn't matter. -
Go to https://[YOUR_TEAM_DOMAIN] and create a custom slash command. Type in /work, click the button, and grab the token from the next screen. Route the POST request to http://[HEROKU_APP_NAME]/slack/work. Use this token to set the
. Create two more custom slash commands for /retro and /card and use the tokens that are provided to setSLACK_RETRO_COMMAND_TOKEN
codelitt created a Sinatra application with the same functionality as this Rails application that is meant to be deployed with Docker.
Additional features will be added soon!
Feel free to submit a pull request if you have any improvements.