This provider is a third party Terraform provider and should be
in a similiar manner. You can use the makefile and do a make install
as well.
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make install
This provider is configured in a similar manner as the Databricks API. In order for it to work properly authentication should be setup properly. The netrc file should look something similar to this:
machine <account_id>
login <[email protected]>
password <generated_token>
This is a base example of some of the configuration options that can be set on the different types.
provider "databricks" { account = "<account_id>" }
resource "databricks_cluster" "example_cluster" {
node_type = "r3.xlarge"
driver_node_type = "r3.xlarge"
cluster_name = "terraform-test"
enable_elastic_disk = true
autotermination_minutes = 15
resource "databricks_dbfs" "example_dir" {
dbfs_path = "/tmp/test/tf-dir"
resource "databricks_dbfs" "example_file" {
dbfs_path = "/tmp/test/"
source = "" /* this should be a real file */
resource "databricks_groups" "example_groups" {
groups = [
name = "tf-test"
members = [
name = "[email protected]",
resource "databricks_job" "example_job" {
name = "example-tf-job"
cluster_id = "${}"
libraries = [
"pypi" = { "package" = "pandas"}
schedule = {
"quartz_cron_expression" = "0 0 12 * * ?"
"timezone_id" = "America/New_York"
email_notifications = {
"on_start" = ["[email protected]"]
"on_success" = ["[email protected]"]
"on_failure" = ["[email protected]"]
notebook_task = {
"notebook_path" = "/foo/bar/baz"
"base_parameters" = {
foo = "bar"