= WebSocket Debugger
Simple command line utility for debugging WebSocket servers.
Via go-get
$ go get github.com/medvedev/wsd
Command-line usage:
Usage of ./wsd:
Display help information about wsd
Inbound buffer size in bytes.
Increase it if size of innound message exceeds 1024 bytes.
Skip TLS certificate verification
-origin string
origin of WebSocket client (default "http://localhost/")
-protocol string
WebSocket subprotocol
-userAgent string
"User-Agent" header
-url string
WebSocket server address to connect to (default "ws://localhost:1337/ws")
Display version number```
## Why?
Debugging WebSocket servers should be as simple as firing up `cURL`. No need
for dozens of flags, just type `wsd -url=ws://localhost:1337/ws` and you're
## License