This project provides support for Adobe Air Extension. please follow the steps for both IOS and Android.
##Installation (common both for IOS and Android)
Download the appsflyer.ane file from the ANE folder.
Add the ANE to your project and make sure the ide is marked to package it.
If the following was not added automatically please add it to the APP_NAME-app.xml:
import the AppsFlyer Extension into your project
import AppsFlyerInterface;
construct the AppsFlyer
var afInterface:AppsFlyerInterface = new AppsFlyerInterface();
set the developer key by calling the function:
afInterface.setDeveloperKey("your_developer_key_here","your_apple_id_herere");// second paramter is just for IOS
add a call for tracking whenever the app is launched
add a call for tracking in-app events when desired
afInterface.sendTrackingWithEvent("purchase","90.0"); // purchase is the event name, 90 is the value
get conversion data (attribution info)
afInterface.getConversionData(); // calls async function to get the conversion data
afInterface.addEventListener(AppsFlyerEvent.SUCCESS,function(e){var}); // holds the string with the conversion data.
Setting your app's user (Optional)
afInterface.setAppUserId("user_id_as_used_in_the_app"); (Optional) set your app's user id
Getting AppsFlyer's user id:
appsFlyerID = afInterface.getAppsFlyerUID();
###Android Notes
follow the instructions about permissions and receiver as described here:
####please note: the package name of the receiver is com.appsflyer.MultipleInstallBroadcastReceiver. It's highly recommended to add Google Play services into your app so we can track Google Advertising ID. See