The Silk Help Generator is a help parser, similar to JavaDoc, for generating documentation on 4Test functions and methods.
The Silk Help Generator was written by David Genrich using the 4Test launguage.
It`s improved and adapted version for AutoTest department ISD company.
General purpose: Simple overview of existing code, making searchable html-presentation and printable documentation.
* All types of code coverage with navigation possibility.
* Generates web-based API documentation
* Dynamic search (JavaScript/AJAX).
* Hierarchic tree-view showing internal structure.
* Various types of statistics (authors, methods, functions, etc.).
* Code view possibility with dynamic navigation elements.
* Can work with trunk and variant
* Generates code for the Segue Library Browser
* Can work with a single or multiple projects
* Validates the help syntax based on the rules required for the Segue Library Browser
There are two installation requirements:
- The first is to set a Run Time Compiler constant ‘SilkDir’ which points to the root of your automation code.
- The second is to set a new location for the Library Browser file.
Add comment before method or function
//Method: INTEGER MethodName (STRING f_sParam, INTEGER f_iParam) // Description: Create required amount of visits in Soft AR through SQL queries. // Group: group name // Class: class name // Author: author name // Arguments: // f_sParam : desription of f_sParam // f_iParam : desription of f_iParam // Note: // some notes // Example: // some example // Return: // value : description // Generated exceptions: // some exceptions
You can use: //Function: INTEGER Function ()
for functions
# Open the Silk Help Generator testcase: {SilkDir}\silk_help_generator\SilkHelp.t
- Select Run | Run to start the generator
* SilkTest
- JavaScript
Sorry for so dirty code. I was writting it on the fly, so it isn’t very clean. Plus, I kept adding requirements and features as I was writing it.