This is a small package the provides a request limiter implemented using, it limits request by ip address, works behind a load balancer or reverse proxy by inspecting the "X-Forwarded-For" and "X-Real-IP" request headers. It provides on middleware and the limiter itself.
- New accept two parameters max and ttl, max rapresent the maximun ammount of connections and ttl is the measure of max request in ttl time, meaning max=5 and ttl=1xtime.Minute it will allow 5 request in one minute.
- Handler is the middleware that will perform the actual throttling on the requests. Takes a limiter instance and a next http.Handler returns an handler.
Pretty simple, there is only one method to create a new parser just call:
limiter := httptrottling.New(20,1*time.Minute)
// limiter accepts 20 requests every one minute.
To use the middleware do it like so:
httptrottle.Handler(limeter, http.Handler)
// in this case http.Handler has been use as a placeholder example.
That's pretty much it.
This software is developed following the "mantra" keep it simple, stupid or better known as KISS. Something so simple like a cache with auto eviction should not required over engineered solutions.
This software in alpha quality, don't use it in a production environment, it's not even completed.
Massive thanks to since httptrottle is a fork of it.