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Ansible role for managing users and groups on Linux hosts.


Role Variables


Create and manage user groups on target hosts.

When a group is removed from this variable, the associated group on the hosts will be deleted.

Each entry in the users_groups list can contain the following keys:

  • name: The name of the group to create or manage. Required.
  • gid: The group ID number. If not specified, the system assigns the next available GID.
  • system: Specifies whether the group is a system group. Default: false.
  • local: Forces the use of "local" command alternatives on platforms that implement it. Default: false


Create and manage users on target hosts.

When a user is removed from this variable, the associated user on the hosts will be deleted.

Each entry in the users_users list can contain the following keys:

  • name: The username of the account to create or manage. Required.
  • password: The encrypted user password.
  • update_password: Specifies when to update the password. Can be always or on_create.
  • shell: The user's login shell. Default: /bin/bash.
  • uid: The user ID number. If not specified, the system assigns the next available UID.
  • comment: The GECOS field.
  • home: Path to the user's home directory.
  • create_home: Create the home directory if it doesn't exist.
  • expires: Account expiration date in epoch. Can be removed by specifying a -1.
  • group: User's primary group name.
  • groups: List of additional groups the user belongs to.
  • append: Whether to append to the groups list or replace it. Default: false.
  • non_unique: Allow duplicate UIDs. Default: false.
  • system: Create a system account. Default: false.
  • local: Forces the use of "local" command alternatives on platforms that implement it. Default: false.
  • ssh_key: SSH public key to add to authorized_keys. Can be multiline.
  • ssh_key_options: SSH options for the key.
  • ssh_comment: A comment for the SSH key.
  • ssh_exclusive: Remove all other keys from the authorized_keys file.


Defines whether the home directory will be deleted when the user is deleted. Default: false.


Forced deletion of a user, associated directories and groups. Default: false.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
      - name: developers
        gid: 5001
      - name: admins
        gid: 599
        system: true
      - name: alice
        password: "{{ 'Secret123' | password_hash('sha512') }}"
        shell: /bin/zsh
        group: users
        groups: [developers]
        append: true
        update_password: on_create
        ssh_key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIADg2n4v733gUH/dC4PZyQlvpFdjQyF8thJwe4mfn8qm [email protected]
        ssh_key_options: no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding
      - name: bob
        groups: [admins]
        ssh_key: |
          ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQDdv1ycIBDsz5tavDqyaG9qRFYcvOzRteOy534MvHDy7BHu/
        ssh_comment: [email protected]
    - users



Author Information

Created and maintained by Mikhail Vorontsov (@mephs) [email protected]