Added compatibility with WooCommerce version 4.1.0
Added Integrator ID field on checkouts’ configuration screens
Added validation for Public Keys
Added alert to activate the WooCommerce plugin whenever it is inactive
Added alert to install the WooCommerce plugin whenever it is uninstalled
Added assets versioning
Added minification of JS files
Added debug mode for JS in order to use files without minification
Added payment flow for WebPay in Colombia for Checkout Custom Offline
Updated documentation and regionalized links
Corrected notification status on charged_back
Corrected issue when invalid credentials were switched
Corrected checkout options for Store Name, Store Category and Store ID
Corrected validation on the cardNumber field whenever card number is removed
Corrected input masks on CPNJ and CPF; CNPJ validation and translation in Brazil for Custom Checkout Offline;
Corrected mercadopago.js loading
Corrected processing of payment status notifications
Corrected personalized URLs for successful, refused and pending payments on Checkout Mercado Pago
Added success and error messages on received payment notifications
Added alphabetical order on offline payment methods for Checkout Custom
Added CI document input on Custom Checkout OFF in Uruguay
Added compatibility with third-party discount plugins which attribute value on order->fees (computation of fees_cost upon purchase)
Added validation, focus and error messages on all JS inputs on Checkout Custom Online and Offline
Usability improvements for Checkout Custom - Credit Card on mobile devices
Adjusted error messages on online Checkout Custom Online
Adjusted status updates on Checkout Custom Offline orders
Updated documentation and guide links
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