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Step-by-step to install the Magento 2 extension through Composer:

  1. Locate your Magento 2 project root.

  2. Install the Magento 2 extension using Composer

composer config repositories.mercurycache_magento2 vcs [email protected]:mercurycash/gate-magentov2-plugin.git
composer require mercurycash/gate-magentov2-plugin:dev-main
  1. After installation complete the extension:
# Enable the extension and clear static view files
$ bin/magento module:enable Mercury_Payment --clear-static-content

# Update the database schema and data
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade

# Recompile your Magento project
$ bin/magento setup:di:compile

# Clean the cache 
$ bin/magento cache:flush

Manually (not recommended)

  • Download the extension of the required version
  • Unzip the file
  • Create a folder {root}/app/code/Mercury/Payment
  • Copy the files this folder


Go to Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Methods-> Tab Mercury Payment

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