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Releases: mergesort/Anchorman

I love scotch, scotchy, scotchy, scotch

19 Jan 20:50
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  • Adding support for Swift 5.1.
  • Adding SPM support.
  • Cleaning up redundant public access level warnings.

Hey aqualung!

24 Dec 16:32
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  • Adding Swift 4.2 support.

Don’t act like you’re not impressed

19 Sep 20:58
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  • The underlying framework is completely rewritten. If you find any bugs, please report them. 🐛

  • This version is written in and supports Swift 4. If you need to use Swift 3, use version 2.0 of Anchorman instead.

New Features

  • Anchorman now supports UILayoutGuide along with UIView constraints.

  • Adding support for .left and .right EdgeAnchors.

⚠️ Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Removed func translateAutoresizingMasks(on: Bool)

  • Removed static func activateAllConstraints(constraints: [[NSLayoutConstraint]])

  • Removed static func deactivateAllConstraints(constraints: [[NSLayoutConstraint]])

  • For functions that had a parameter activate: Bool, it has now been renamed isActive: Bool.

API changes for pinning

func pinToSuperview(_ edges: [EdgeAnchor], relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func pinToSuperview(_ edges: [EdgeAnchor], relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func pin(toView view: UIView, edges: [EdgeAnchor], relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func pin(to view: UIView, edges: [EdgeAnchor], relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func pin(edge: EdgeAnchor, toEdge: EdgeAnchor, ofView view: UIView, relation: NSLayoutRelation, constant: CGFloat, priority: UILayoutPriority, activate: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func pin(edge: EdgeAnchor, toEdge: EdgeAnchor, of view: UIView, relation: NSLayoutRelation = .equal, constant: CGFloat, priority: UILayoutPriority, isActive: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func set(size sizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func set(size sizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func set(size sizeAnchors: [SizeAnchor] = [ SizeAnchor.width, SizeAnchor.height ], relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func set(size sizeAnchors: [SizeAnchor] = [ SizeAnchor.width, SizeAnchor.height ], relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func set(relativeSize sizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, toSizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, ofView view: UIView, multiplier: CGFloat, constant: CGFloat, relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func set(relativeSize sizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, toSizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, ofAnchorable anchorable: Anchorable, multiplier: CGFloat, constant: CGFloat, relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool)

The human torch was denied a bank loan

03 Dec 21:09
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This release is a completely breaking change to the API.

• The library is now compatible with Swift 3 only. The previous release will continue to work with Swift 2.2.

There were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident

04 Oct 22:01
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• Fixes a bug that set self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false onto the view being pinned to, which is bad when the view is self.view.

I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party

04 Oct 18:33
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This version supports Swift 3, but not 2.2 or 2.3.

Your code that compiled for Swift 2.2 or 2.3 should not change, and remains compatible. A future update will add Swift 3 naming conventions into the code.

• Brings the library support to 3.0.
• Code clean up.

Baxter, is that you? Baxter! Bark twice if you’re in Milwaukee

16 Jul 19:55
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This version supports Swift 2.2 and 2.3, but not 3.

• Removing an unused variable. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works, every time

06 Jul 14:56
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• Adding setRelativeSize for multiplier support.
• Fixing uncaught EdgeAnchors.

You look like a blueberry

25 Jun 01:29
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setSize now overloads allowing to take in either a SizeAnchor, or [SizeAnchor], depending on the parameter passed in, returning NSLayoutConstraint and [NSLayoutConstraint] respectively.

• Breaking change: .allEdges has been renamed to .allSides, since those semantics are representative of pinning a view's .leading, .trailing, .top, and .bottom edges.

You know I don’t speak Spanish

03 Jun 14:43
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Adding support for NSLayoutRelations, .Equal, .GreaterThanOrEqual, and .LessThanOrEqual