Contains various Go packages to easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() common XML formats; these have all been auto-generated with the go-xsd ( ) package and you can simply go get any one (or all) of them:
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() Atom documents:
import atom ""
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() RSS 2.0 documents:
import rss ""
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() SVG documents:
import svg ""
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() XSLT documents:
import xslt ""
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() KML documents:
import kml ""
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() MathML 2.0 documents:
import mathml ""
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() Collada 1.4.1 documents:
import collada14 ""
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() Collada 1.5 documents:
import collada15 ""
To easily encoding/xml.Unmarshal() DocBook documents:
import docbook ""
For other XML formats: figure out the Schema location and generate a similar wrapper with the go-xsd package at
Better yet: --unless this is a really obscure, bespoke or in-house XML format-- let me know the format and I can maintain its generated package here in this repository. It then gets updated with the others whenever there are bug-fixes or improvements to go-xsd.