Set of instructions to use docker as local environment without cluttering your local development with diversity of library versioning etc.
For the sake of brevity, this instruction will use Laravel as PHP Framework, MYSQL and APACHE which connecting to each others.
- Docker, yeah docker only
The only files that important to pay attention(*)
|-- .docker
|-- Dockerfile // Having instruction to build our image *
|-- Vhost.conf . // For default virtual host copying into docker container's image *
|-- .env
|-- .env.example
|-- .gitignore
|-- app
|-- artisan
|-- bootstrap
|-- composer.json
|-- composer.lock
|-- config
|-- database
|-- docker-compose.yml // Complete task to run when running up docker container *
|-- package.json
|-- phpunit.xml
|-- public
|-- resources
|-- routes
|-- server.php
|-- storage
|-- tests
|-- vendor
|-- webpack.mix.js
From this point of view, i separated out docker
files from main project's root and putting it into their own folder .docker
except for docker-compose.yml
Before we can start development, we need to create laravel
project inside our local environment before we copy the data into docker container. For this example, i'll create under ~/projects/dockers/<project-name>
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel-app
Make sure you have composer
install in your local machine.
This file having sets of instructions to build our main image that extending from existing docker hub's image. For this example i'll use the PHP 7.2-apache image from PHP official docker hub. Put following contents:
FROM PHP:7.2-apache
MAINTAINER Norlihazmey Ghazali
COPY . /var/www/html
COPY .docker/vhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/00-default.conf
WORKDIR /var/www/html
RUN docker-php-ext-install mbstring pdo pdo_mysql \
&& chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html \
&& a2enmod rewrite
- FROM: From which image our image is extending from
- MAINTAINER: Our image's maintainer
- COPY: Copy current directory(all our laravel's file) into
folder on where our image container reside - COPY: Copy apache virtual host file to handle our laravel project's request into
apache default vhost in our docker container - WORKDIR - Specify our working directory on our docker container
- docker-php-ext-install: PHP official command/interface to install library required by our laravel project
- chown: Change ownership of html folder
- a2enmod: enable apache modrewrite to enable laravel's htaccess file
To make our laravel project available when browsing in browser, we need to create default virtual host to handle the request and map the request into directory of where our project is reside, so that apache will know where our project is located. Paste following content:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/public
<Directory "/var/www/html/public">
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
To handle multiple laravel project, we can create specific virtual host to each of projects.
Before we can use this environment, we need to build our docker image by running following command inside ~/projects/docker/laravel-app
docker build --file .docker/Dockerfile -t laravel-app .
- build: Build our docker image before able to use it
- --file: Since our dockerfile reside on different path, we need to specify which dockerfile to use to build the image(default location is where the command of
executed) - -t: Renaming our docker image
- .: Build will run on current folder where
command is executed
Once finish build the image, we can run it to test it out from browser by using following command:
docker run <--rm> -p 8080:80 laravel-app
- run: Run the following image
- --rm: This option will remove our container when we press
ctrl + c
when stopping container instance - -p: Specify which port to listen to and forward the port into container instance. 8080(Our machine's port), 80(Container's port for http)
- laravel-app: Our built image
Open web browser and hit http://localhost:8080
, and you should see our laravel project up and running inside our docker container instance
As for now, when we make some changes to our working directory, no changes will reflect to our laravel app. As for development environment, this is important and vital. We can make the changes into our working and re-build the image which makes repetitive works. To avoid this use case, let create docker-compose.yml
file to instruct our image to always listen the changes we made on working directory and straight away reflect to laravel app without re-build the image. Paste following contents:
version: '3' // Recommended version for YAML
services: // Our services that will be run when our image is up and running
application: --> 1st service(our laravel app)
build: // Build information
context: . // Run on current context(current directory)
dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile // Which dockerfile to look for(since we put inside custom directory)
image: laravel-app // Build the image with name "laravel-app"
ports: // Specifiy port. Port 9000(from our browser) will forward to port 80(our container)
- 9000:80
volumes: // This will ensure the container's image always reflect the changes made to working directory
- .:/var/www/html // From .(current directory) bind to `/var/www/html`
links: // Make networking available to make our laravel-app can communicate with mysql database
- mysql // Name of mysql services(can be naming anything)
environment: // Environment variables that available for us to use to replace the defaut laravel's environment variable(.env)
DB_HOST: mysql // Laravel will use this variable for DB HOST
DB_DATABASE: laravel_app // Laravel will use this variable for DB DATABASE
DB_USERNAME: root // Laravel will use this variable for DB USERNAME
DB_PASSWORD: secret // Laravel will use this variable for DB PASSWORD
mysql: --> 2nd service(our mysql database)
image: mysql:latest // Pull from existing image on docker hub
ports: // Specifiy port. Port 12345(from our local) will forward to port 3306(our container)
- 12345:3306
environment: // Environment variables that available for us to use to replace the defaut mysql's environment variable
MYSQL_DATABASE: laravel_app
Once finish, we must build the image again and at the same time run docker compose to up and running the container:
$ docker-compose up --build // or docker-compose build && docker-compose up
This command will read the docker-compose.yml
's file and executed the instruction line by line. From this point, now you're able to browse our laravel-app using http://localhost:9000
. When the browser detect port 9000, the port forwarding will occur which forward the port 9000 to port 80 of docker container.
Some of the laravel's command need to be run inside docker container instance itself. Luckily, docker do provide command for us to manage container instance.
Run following command to look for container ID(find "laravel-app"'s name) and copy the container ID:
$ docker ps -a
Once got the container ID, we can enter into container instance using following command:
$ docker exec -it <container-ID> bash
Once success, go into our working directory inside container:
$ cd /var/www/html
and run following command(just an example)
$ php artisan migrate
This will migrate the existing migrations files into specify database.
HOST: // Default hostname
PORT: 12345 // This port we specify inside docker-compose.yml file
USER: root // This port we specify inside docker-compose.yml file
PASSWORD: secret // This port we specify inside docker-compose.yml file
Sometimes you might encoutered with error Bind for failed: port is already allocated
. This happened usually because of port 8080
already being used by other services. Try to check for running services of internal programs or by container itself:
Docker Container
docker rm -fv $(docker ps -aq)
or Internal Program
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep 8080
and kill the services by sending the signal to process ID
kill -9 PID
Or sometimes it might be used by httpd
services, then kill him(lel):
sudo brew services stop httpd